The dream #7

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After we finished eating we head to the school to see if we could show the class. He said that he would tell the class that they had 1 week to make or create something so they had something to. ... 

After class


"Hey guys, what are you guys going to show the class" I said running with Toshi to the bakusqaud "I was thinking a creation from Iago's, Sero was thinking a clay sculpture, Kiri was thinking a shark collection, and Bakugo was thinking of singing. I can't imagine Bakugo singing though." Mina said to us. "What about you two?" " We were thinking of our painting, after we show it we are going to hang it on the outside classroom wall so everyone could look at it." " That would look so cool Denki!" 


After school



⚡- Hey guys, do you guys need help with your projects.

🧻- Sure, I think we all need help. (Thank you Alexisawsome800 for the emoji idea)

💥- I don't need help Dunce face

💚💦- Yeah I need help

🍁- I good with my project. 

🍁-Once were done we should go to  Bakubae's dorm and hear him sing and maybe help him.

Everyone -Sure


🍁- To bad

(End of texting)

" Hey Toshi, can we go help the others with there projects." I said with puppy eye "Fine" " Well I'm going to help Sero, can you go help Mina with her project." "Ok, how about Bakugo and Kirishima." " Bakugo and Kiri dont need help. BTW we are going to Bakugo's dorm after this." K, see you then Kami" "Bye Toshi"


4 Hours later


" Hey Sero, do you think your project it finished?" " Yeah, let's head to Bakugo's room." As we started to head there we seen Toshi and Mina going to Bakugo's room. "Hey Toshi, were you guys heading to Bakugo's room." "Yeah" We continued to go to Bakugo's room. Once we got close we started to hear someone singing. "Hey guys do you think that's Bakugo, I wouldn't think that he's that good." We walk in Bakugo's room. "Hey guys, Bakubae was going to sing Can't Hold Us. Want to hear?" "Sure" Everyone said.


After Bakugo sang (YouTube won't work for me right now. :'( )


"Wow Bakugo, that was good, i thought that you wouldn't be able to sing or rap!" WHAT WAS THAT DUNCE FACE" "Nothing Bakugo" I head down to the Kitchen for some snacks. Once I get back to Bakugo's dorm I seen that they were picking out a movie from hiss horror movies. "What movie are we watching?" "Were going to watch IT" As we all get our spots ready we all grab a few snacks. I was cuddling with Toshi, Kiri was cuddling with Bakugo, Mina and Sero were sitting next together. Half way through the movie I fell asleep. In my Dream I heard voices. They sounded like. Brother.. And Sister.. I feel tears coming down my face, soon I was hyperventilating. I woke up from my dream, as I feel my lungs collapsing it was getting harder to breathe. I couldn't hear anything, a few seconds later I hear Toshi's voice. "Kaminari, can you hear me" he says in a calming voice. I try to nod to his answer. 

(I felt like I need to do this part, so... THE FIVE THINGS)

I hear Toshi's voice again "Name me 5 things you can see." I hug him. "Y-You, M-My legs, M-M-Mina,S-Sero, and M-My hands" I replied Stuttering. "Name me 4 things you can feel" "Y-You, M-My tears, My H -Hands, And the b-bed." "Okay, can you name me 3 things you can hear." "Your voice, the m-movie,  and my voice." "Now name me 2 things you can smell" "Lemons and Popcorn." "Name me 1 thing you can taste." "Popcorn" I stopped hugging him and looked at him. "Do you wanna talk about it" "No" I say Quietly "Ok, how about we go to your room. "Ok" I start to cuddle with him. He scoops me up and I start to fall asleep in his arms.

Shinsou's POV

Kami started to fall asleep in my arms. As we got to his room I pulled out my phone and started to text Dad.


💜-Hey dad, me and Denki aren't going to be at school tomorrow

😴- Ok, but why

💜- He started to have a Panic attack

😴- Ok, thanks for letting me know


I opened Denki's door and put him on the bed and started to head out. "Stay. Please Toshi" He said tiredly "Alright, but we need to change" I head to my room to change. I put on a black T-shirt and some shorts I also grab a jacket just in case I get cold. I head to Denki's room and see that he wasn't changed. "Denki, you need to change" "No, you" "A-Are you serious" I asked him surprised "Yeah" "O-ok" I change him into my purple jacket and black shorts. I crawl onto the bed and put him in my lap. As soon as I done that he started to cuddle me. I fell asleep a few second later.


I woke up with Denki in my lap. He was awake. "Oh, your finally up Toshi!" A few second past. "Hey do you want to talk about last night." "Okay" He get off my lap and sits in front of me.

"I heard voices that sounded like... My B-Brother" Tears started to come down his face "Hey Kami, you don't have to finish" He started to hug me "N-no, I want continue" "Okay, you can stop whenever you want." I say while rubbing his back " Well, the voices sounded like my Younger b-brother a-and my O-older s-sister. He starts to cry. "Hey Kaminari, Its all ok" I seen that he was trying to breathe but he couldn't. "Kaminari, follow my breaths" I inhaled and exhaled a couple of times before Denki started following by breaths. A little while later Kami said "H-How do you do that Toshi" "Do what" "Calm people down" "I don't really know." "Hey Kami, how about we go make some cookies. Would that help" "Yeah!" He said exided

We started to go down to the kitchen, in the elevator I looked down at Kami who's eyes and nose were red and puffy. "You know, now you have red and puffy eyes. Is that how hard you were crying." "Yeah, but lets focus on baking those cookies. I can already smell them in my head." The thought of Him saying Lemons last night. "Hey, why did you smell lemons yesterday?" "You smell like Lemons, I wonder what I smell like." "You smell like Limes to me." He heard to the elevator stop at the common room.

 We started to head to the kitchen. I pull out my phone and look for a chocolate chip cookie recipe. I told Kami the things we needed for it and he grabbed them all. As soon as he finished grabbing them I started to make the batter and Kami preheated the oven. Once the batter was ready we started to roll out the cookie dough and cut designs. Once we finished we put them on the baking tray and put them in the oven. We walk over to the couch and Started to watch TV.


YES I GOT IT OVER 1,000! See you next time

Word count: 1,238

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