Nagare Hisui X Oc Nikki(requested) (smut)

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Dedicated to NIKKI_1889

Kings, Vanguards, Clansmen and strainss, they all started here in Shizune city and I somehow ended up being a King's toy. Makes me wonder how I fell in love with him.

His mysterious blue-green eyes, messy dark green hair, and his warm touch.

It's hard to believe we haven't done something out of the Jungle base.

Ever since our first meeting he'd keep me within the Jungle Base, his clansmen brought things for my entertainment back and I accepted. You're wondering why I never thought about leaving. Well this Green King drew me in, as heartless or manipulative people make him out to be he is like a child with me.

It started out as one night stands and he would let me freely leave, but now, I stayed and soon grew fond of him.

After the intercourse he'd lay in my arms and beg me to hold him as he slept in my arms, I'd sing for him as he wish, cook, or even spend the few moments we would have together as if they were our last.

"Nikki are you okay?" Douhan questions me.

I gave her a small smile, " I'm fine just thinking about Nagare. He hasn't seen me in almost a month and i'm kinda anxious." I look down at my hands and sigh.

She places her hand atop mine and gives me a bright smile. Douhan is like a sister to me, we would always talk about anything and everything.

"So how are you and Sukuna going huh" I wiggle my eyebrows as her face turns bright red.

"W-We're going on a d-date tonight...a-and he w-wants me to wear a d-dress" I scream in joy and her face flush beet red.

"Let's get you dressed up now! We have to go shopping now!" I squeal and grab Douhan's arm rushing her out of the Jungle common room.

~MIini Timeskip~

We arrive at the Shiuzne City Mall, she looks nervous, "Hey he'll love anything you wear. No need to be nervous."

She lets out a sighs and smiles at me," Alright you're right let's go this dress!" People began staring at us weirdly.

"Let's go before someone call the police" We walk in and began our search for the perfect dress.

"Nikki come look at this blue dress" Douhan calls over to me as I look at the beautiful blue satten dress. It was the perfect date type dress that'll surely bring out Douhan's eyes.

I give her two thumbs up, "Perfect, but im thinking about getting a piece of landuray that would suit me and I could surprise Nagare with it." Douhan pinches my cheek.

"I swear if I hear your moans from all the way from your room to our resturant I will personally kill you! Even try ruining our date I will make you disappear before our king!" As she said that I push her away with a concerned look.

"Wait what do you mean?" I tilt my head as she looks down.

"Nikki...I-I'ts only a joke! Don't take what I said so seriously" She gave me weary smile that I don't trust completely. "Let's find that find that piece of landuray huh! And let's make it extra special for this occasion."

She drags me to another store that was somewhere in the mall.

The store read 'Best Friend' and it also said 18+.

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