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It had been a few weeks since Ricky started hanging out with Billy after school. Almost every day they would walk to Ricky's house together, talking about almost everything. Ricky wondered a few times where Billy went when they were done walking, but never bothered to question it. Ricky enjoyed the time they spent together. He didn't know about Billy though. Sometimes he seemed  distracted. 
Ricky was sitting alone one day at lunch. He had over time stopped hanging out with his friends so often. They'd talk occasionally, but otherwise Ricky would spend his time alone. He sat at a table in the corner of the library, staring out the window. He was a bit bored but didn't mind it.
He began to hear whispers behind him and knew exactly who it was. He quietly sighed and rested his head on his arms. He didn't wanna deal with these assholes right now.
He felt a tap on his shoulder. Not a surprise to him. He looked up, trying his best to look calm. He couldn't help but glare though. He knew who it was.
"Caldwell," A familiar voice greeted him, in a tone way happier than it should be. 
Ricky stared up at Mason, one of his classmates who liked to tease him. A lot.
"What'cha doing?" Mason asked, smiling down at Ricky. He didn't return the smile.
"Can't you see..?" He replied quietly. 
"Being lonely huh? Don't you have friends?" Mason smirked. He clearly already knew the answer to that question.
"Can you leave me alone-" Ricky glared at him for a moment and looked away.
"Why? So you can have a panic attack again?" Mason said and laughed.
Ricky's blood ran cold and he froze.
Had Mason seen him?
"What." Ricky looked over at Mason slightly.
"You heard what I said," Mason grinned at him.
Ricky glared at Mason and couldn't help but notice his red shirt. He looked down at it for a moment then back up at Mason. Ricky smirked as he got an idea.
"Sleep with an eye open tonight, Mason." Ricky said, grabbing his backpack and standing up.
Mason had a slightly disturbed look on his face, yet backed away a little bit. Ricky waved and began to walk away, laughing quietly to himself as he went to go find another place to spend lunch.

That day after school as Ricky went to meet up with Billy, he was confronted by Mason again. But this time he had friends with him. This scared Ricky a bit, but he tried to stay calm.
Ricky sighed, glaring at Mason once more. "What do you want now?"
"I don't like the way our conversation ended," Mason said, walking up to Ricky with a smile on his face. 
"What happened at lunch today wasn't a conversation," Ricky paused. "Was it?" He glared.
"Listen here you little shit," Mason said, the smile fading from his face. "I don't want you talking to me like that again." Mason glared back at Ricky.
Ricky ignored what Mason said and went to walk past him when he felt someone push him into the fence. He tripped and fell onto the ground, looking up at Mason. He stopped himself from yelling at Mason and sighed.
"What was that for?" Ricky asked, glaring up at Mason.
"Don't walk away from me, I'm talking to you." Mason glared back down at him.
"You're not a teacher or anything-" Ricky commented, sitting up. "So I don't have to listen to you, do I?"
"You will if you know what's good for you," Mason chuckled. Ricky sighed.
"What do you mea-" Ricky started, but was interrupted when he felt someone punch him on the shoulder. He almost yelped in pain and moved backwards to try get away. The punches kept coming, this time by multiple of Mason's friends. He felt a few of them kick him too. He curled up in a ball to try stop them from getting him in the face or stomach and tried his best to get away. He was about to scream at them to leave him alone when he heard a voice that made everyone pause.

"What's going on here?" A voice asked calmly. Ricky didn't look up. He knew who it was.
Everyone was silent for a moment. Ricky looked up and saw Billy standing there. Billy looked down at him for a moment and his eyes widened slightly when he saw it was Ricky. He glared back at Mason and his friends slightly. Ricky could see how mad Billy was despite his calm expression.
"Who the fuck are you?" Mason asked. 
Billy stared at Mason, saying nothing for a moment.
"I'm a friend," Billy replied quietly. "Now leave him alone." He warned.
"Alright fine, old man." Mason said, signalling for his friends to come with him as he began to walk away. When they had walked quite far away Billy turned to ricky and held out his hand to help him up. Ricky took it and stood up, wincing from the pain.
"Thanks," Ricky said quietly.
"Who are those guys?" Billy asked, looking at Ricky with a concerned look on his face.
"Just some assholes from school, It's no big deal-" Ricky replied.
"Ricky, they beat you up." Billy sighed and began walking. Ricky followed.
"It's fine-" Ricky said, looking down while walking. 
Billy didn't reply and for a few minutes they walked in silence. It felt weird for Ricky, seeing as they always talked on their way to Ricky's house. After a while Billy finally spoke.
"If that happens again you tell me." He sounded pissed. 
"O-Okay," Ricky replied, not knowing what else to say. He was a bit concerned about what Billy would do, but didn't think much of it. They walked in silence, Ricky looking over at Billy every one in a while, only to see him staring at the ground. 
Eventually they got to Ricky's house, walking up to the door. Ricky turned around to wave bye to Billy, only to see him already walking away. That hurt a little bit, but Ricky just thought he had something to do and went inside. 
As he went into his room he stepped over the broken mirror, still not bothering to pick it up. He'd pick it up one day, just not now. He threw his backpack into the corner and sat on his bed, staring at the bruises on his arms. He sighed, knowing if someone saw them he'd have to explain. He put a sweater on to hide his arms and laid down, staring at the ceiling as it got dark.
When the sun was completely down Ricky decided it was time to go to sleep. He had some homework but didn't bother even trying to do it. He had a reason he didn't do it in class after all. He closed his eyes and tried his best to fall asleep, not thinking about what happened that day. Billy wasn't gonna do anything to Mason,



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