Chapter Two - Blue Meets Black

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If you have ever travelled by Floo Powder, you probably prefer any other way of transportation. Floo Powder is messy, dusty and can give you one hell of an allergy if you have sensibility to it.

That's why a prefer trains; they're nicer, comfortable, allow you to rest, enjoy the landscapes, eat and not worry about getting dust all over your clothes. Though the Hogwarts Express is slightly different than other trains, it still allows me to do the same things. Only this time, I'm not travelling to Plymouth to visit some relatives while eating a tuna sandwich and being annoyed by loud passengers. This time, I'm travelling with my new darling friend, Rowan, through beautiful scenic views from England to Scotland, while eating a ton of chocolate frogs.

We're the only ones sitting in our compartment, which leaves extra space on the seats for us to lodge and share a bunch of candy and chocolates. Rowan is talking nonstop about her favourite book so far: Hogwarts, A History. Apparently, she's even nerdier than I am, and that's a very reassuring fact.

"I reckon I'll love History of Magic," she says. "It's said that the professor is a ghost! Isn't that exciting?" and she proceeds to shriek in joy.

"Well, I think I'm going to love Potions," I tell her. "I've been watching my grandmother making amazing potions my entire life and I think it's pretty fantastic."

"But I've heard that the Potions professor is very... cranky. He's been teaching for just a few years now, but already holds a reputation. There are rumours that he is a... Death Eater," she says, darkly. "I've heard that he was in Slytherin, so he only favours Slytherins. I don't know how we'll manage to get House Points from him."

I snicker, rolling my eyes. "Jeez, Rowan. Thanks for the bustle. But I'm sure we'll survive our dreadful Potions master."

The eight hours that take for us to travel to another country seem to fly, fun and serene, with lots of laughter and conversation. When the night begins to fall upon the train, we put on our robes and wait for the train to finally stop.

"Did you know that these uniforms are enchanted?" she says. "They'll change colour when se get sorted into our houses."

"Really? That's so cool," I say. "I've always wondered how Jake's robes got the blue details. I've always thought Mum had done it..."

She winks, joyfully. "Magic can be hidden where you least expect it."

When the train finally stops, we grab all our things and proceed to leave. The corridor gets quickly crowded with new students, boys and girls with Prefect badges and older students that seem eager to begin their last year in school. When we manage to exit the train, the first thing we spot is the biggest man I've ever seen in my life. He seems to be more than eight feet tall, bearing tangled black hair and beard, and small black eyes that resemble beetles.

"Welcome, students. First-year students, please, leave all yer stuff. They'll be sent to yer dorms. Now, follow me to the boats," the man says with a deep yet sweet voice.

Rowan hooks her arm in mine, looking super excited and hopping like a bunny. We walk down a short pathway, reaching a set of woken boats that are beautifully floating atop the crystalline surface of a huge lake. The water is so dark that it reflects the moon and the starts above us.

"This is the Black Lake," the man says. "Please, dunnot fall in it. The Giant Squid won't like it."

He giggles, and his laughter is like a thunder. Rowan looks at me with wide eyes, bearing a waterfall of excitement. Though the way is nice and calm, Rowan's trembling body makes me aware of what might be waiting for me.

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