Chapter Four - Blackbird

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"Do you think that adulating Professor Snape is a good idea?" Rowan asks me as we head back to the Great Hall for lunch. "The spell might backfire."

"I know, I know," I say, sitting down and filling my plate with an herb-crusted chicken breast and plenty of mushroom sauce. "I just think that it's too unfair, you know. I've just met him and he's already assuming all these things about me."

"Yeah, that's so not okay," she says, comprehensive, stuffing her mouth with chicken curry. "Ew, I hate this."

"Then why are you eating it?" I ask, watching her grab another huge bite.

"Because it tastes like home."

After we finish eating, we walk with our classmates to our first Charms lesson. A slight dread brushes against my heart with the single thought that Professor Flitwick might be as judgmental as Professor Snape. The feeling, however, is rapidly erased when I remember his kind eyes during the Sorting Ceremony, and I realise that he probably won't judge me by my family.

The classroom is in the South Tower, in the third floor, making us climb many staircases and turn two long corridors to get there. The door is already opened and when we get in, I notice that a lot of Gryffindor students are already sitting down. The classroom is long, with wood panels covering every wall, and there are two long desks on each side. There's a long glass-stained window with a big blackboard covering the most of it, and in front of the board is a pile of thick books with our teacher standing upon them.

"He's part-goblin," Rowan whispers to me. "In case you're wondering."

"How do you know all these things?" I ask her, finding a place to sit and opening my Charms book.

She blushes. "I read... and I hear people talking."

We sit in front of all the Gryffindor students. There are three girls and eight boys and one of them specifically stands in the crowd. His face is rounded like a cherubim's, his brown hair is flawlessly brushed, and his face bears an expression of pure and complete dread.

"Good afternoon, class," Professor Flitwick says, making a gesture for the rest of the standing students to find their places. "I am Professor Flitwick and I'll be your Charms teacher. Today we are going to learn how to cast Lumos. Can anyone tell me what this spell is used for?"

I raise my hand, but the angel-cheeks Gryffindor also raises his. His brownish eyes meet mine and he trembles. Professor Flitwick looks at us both with a satisfied smile and then indicates the Gryffindor boy.

"The Lumos spell is used to cast light, resembling sunlight, at the tip of your wand," the boy says.

"Correct," the professor says. "What is your name, Mister?"

"Ben Copper, sir," he says, his voice shaking a bit.

"Very good, Mr. Copper. Five points to Gryffindor. Now, who can tell me the counter-spell for Lumos?"

I raise my hand again and Ben Copper does the same. This time, his lips curl in a gentle smile.

"Now let's allow the lady to answer it," the professor says, and Ben lowers his hand.

"The counter-spell for Lumos is a spell called Nox," I answer.

"Very good, Miss..."

"Athena Lockhart, sir."

"Oh, yes," he says. "If you are anything like your brother, you'll have a great performance at this class. He was one of my most skilful students. Also, one of the most rebels."

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