Growing Part 19

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Anna's POV:

       Ooohhh wow this was fun. I hadn't ever been this drunk ever. I didn't think I had drank that much ever. Taylor and I kept getting drinks, including shots, and I was just sitting on the couch enjoying the music. Taylor came back with another drink. She sat down, handing it to me and put her arm around me. I took a sip and looked at her hand where it was resting on my shoulder and looked back at her. "Wh- what are you doinggg?" The words were hard to form and my vision doubled.

"Nothing baby, it's fine just relax and drink."

       This wasn't right. She wasn't Ag and I was way too drunk. "I thinkkk I'm going to go home. I donttt feel that good."

"Shhh it's ok just stay here it's your first party." She stroked my hair.

"Okkk I guesss I'll stay."

       I didn't like where this was going at all. I should call Ag she can help. I went to grab my phone next to me and looked under A in my contacts. She wasn't there but then I scrolled down and remembered she was under "bubs😍" I pressed the call icon. She picked up on the first ring. "Anna?! Are you ok, what's going on?!" She sounded alarmed.

"Immm at a party with Taylorrrr." Why can't I speak right. I giggled at the thought of my drunkenness.

"I'm almost there okay? Where are you?"

"I'm on the couchhhh." Taylor realized who I was talking to. "Why don't I take that?" She took my phone and hung up on Ag.

"Heyyyy I was taking to herr I wanna talk to her."

"We don't need her right now. Let's have fun okay?"

       Alarm bells went off in my head. She was being flirty but she wouldn't try anything, she was just my friend.

Ag's POV:

"Fuck fuck fuck!"

       It said 10 minutes now. Anna called but I heard Taylor hang up for her and then I tried calling 7 times and I kept calling hoping that Anna would answer and tell me she's okay. I can't let anything happen, I mean I fully trust Anna's faithfulness but she's drunk. Who knows what could happen? This isn't happening maybe her phone died, Taylor's just drunk and when you're drunk you get flirty. Right? I was going an ungodly speed through the residential neighborhood and prayed that I would get pulled over.

I called Julia.


"Hi Ag is everything okay?"

"I don't know did you make it to the party?"

"No I'm back at my dorm. Why?"

       I hesitated afraid if I spoke it would make it true, "I think Anna is really drunk and I don't know if she's doing anything bad."

"Oh my god. You really think she'd che-"

"No, but I don't know about someone else. I'm five minutes away" I interrupted her. I hung up because I needed to focus on getting to Anna.

Anna's POV:

      Taylor was subtly getting more and more touchy. I didn't want to do anything with her whatsoever, but I was drunk so I had a lowered sense of awareness. After getting really close to my face she said, "You know I'm wayyyy into you right?"

"I haveee- I have a girlfriend that I loveee very much." I was really drunk but I might've been sobering up because of the adrenaline.

"You can have feelings for multiple people."

       It was surprising enough to me that I fell so hard for Ag, so I didn't believe a word of what Taylor was saying. She was already staring at me when I looked into her eyes and then she quickly kissed me. Before my drunk brain had time to catch up, she pulled away and latched onto my neck.

"Heyyy! What the actual fuck? I don't like youuu like that." I pushed her away.

       She looked so hurt and rejected but she stopped touching me. Just then I looked over to see Ag standing and watching the whole scene.

Ag's POV:

       As I pulled onto the final street I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I parked illegally and ran inside. What I saw before me just about crushed any amount of hope I had left. 

       Anna was sitting with Taylor on the couch. She looked so drunk, I could tell by her slow movements and displayed eyes. Taylor got close to her face and said something to her, Anna didn't even look like she was paying that much attention. All of a sudden Taylor kissed her and then moved to her neck to... to give her a damn hickey?? Hell no. I was moving people out of the way to beat Taylor's ass when Anna said she wasn't into her and that she had a girlfriend. At least that made me feel somewhat better, but I was pissed at Taylor for thinking it was okay to make a move on someone that's taken.

       I charged at her just as her and Anna saw me. I pushed her shoulders back as she got up with fear clear as day in her eyes. I swung and connected with her cheek. She fought back grabbing my hair with one hand slamming her fist into my nose with the other. I threw her to the ground and got on top of her. I began to hurtle my closed fists into her smug face repeatedly. It was all a blur as I was seeing red everywhere. I heard Anna screaming "AG! Stop you're going to kill her! Stop please!" She was pleading with me and I gathered enough self- restraint to get off of Taylor's crumpled form.

       I wiped my gushing nose with the back of my hand trailing more blood than originally there and looked to the crowd of frat boys surrounding us. I grabbed Anna's hand and said "Let's go."

      Yikes. I wanted to answer some of my frequently asked questions here because I get dms about these all the time.

1.) How old are you?

I'm 17 going into my senior year of high school.

2.) Are you lesbian?

I don't really like labels that much, but I have identified as bi in the past due to peer pressure. I haven't come out to my family at all yet, but I'm pretty sure I don't like the male species.

3.) How often do you update your story?

I try to do it as much as I can, and I'm going to create a posting schedule when school starts up. It also depends on if I have writers block that day.

4.) Are you going to write other stories?

I actually started to write a story about Anna and a mystery love interest. It's going to be shorter than Growing but hopefully people will like it. (Ps my favorite ship will always be Anna and Ag)

       I hope that answered some people's questions and if you have any other ones you want me to answer feel free to ask in the comments😊
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