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'You guys have definitely made our dreams come true, and you continue to everyday. I hope we make you always Happy, and sorry if we can't all the time, but we definitely do our best.'~Ashton Irwin

'People don't become Gay, Lesbian or bisex. People just fall in Love with other People.'~Calum Hood

'Well we can't get into anywhere, because we are 12'~Ashton Irwin

'Sometimes i wish i could shower with socks on'~Calum Hood

'Our combined smell is Salami'~Michael Clifford

'It's one of thoses Things that is funny and then it comes to Life and eats all our souls'~Luke Hemmings

'Musicans putting other musicans down is so lame, man. Lift each other up, support creatively'~Ashton Irwin

'Oh my god let's bumps go pros!'~Ashton Irwin

'My Lips are huge, i'm Mangelina Jolie'~Michael Clifford

'No Matter what happens with this Band, we want you to know that we're still thinking of you all the time'~Ashton Irwin

'I love you all, to in infinity and beyond'~Ashton Irwin

'When you've got nothing, you have a lot to fight for'~Ashton Irwin

'Knowing that our music has saved people's lives inspires me and make me cry, if anyone is feeling down in any way, don't be afraid to talk to me, I love you!'~Calum Hood

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