Chapter 23

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Walker's POV
I hate being mad at Indi but why would she do that to me. And she said she wasn't good enough for, like what is even talking about. I never said anything like that.
"Um, can you explain what just happened?" Lev said. I stayed quiet
"Walker?" Connor said.
"What!" I shouted.
"One, calm down. Two, what happened with you Indi?" Hayden asked.
"Well when she and Sawyer went to go talk inside. Piper said they started taking about me, so she recorded it. And Indi started saying how I was nothing to her and she missed Sawyer and they kissed! Then after wards piper told me she still has feelings for me and kissed me" I said not looking at anyone.
"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted.
"Yeah, I know. Then she went on about how Indi was nothing, and she way better than her and bunch of stuff. I got mad and yelled at her" I said looking at piper and Sawyer in the corner talking. "But i still don't get why she would do that to me. Kiss Sawyer?! She knows I love her, I don't understand"
"Maybe the thing with Indi was a misunderstanding" Emily said. How the hell could that be a misunderstanding.
"How could it be a misunderstanding. I literally watched the video saw them kiss and heard what she said" I said in a annoying tone.
"Ok well maybe you should just talk to her" Jenna said.
"I don't want to" I said quietly.
"If you don't talk her. I'll drag you upstairs and make you" Jenna said crossing her arms. I just rolled my eyes.
"You heard her. She doesn't want to see me and I don't want to see her" I said back.

Indi's POV
I was mad right now. 'What the hell was that for' like he doesn't know. Such a jerk. How did I ever fall for him.
"Indi!" Sophie yelled snapping me out of my thoughts
"Huh?" I said.
"I said. Could you please tell us what happened." Symonne said.
"Right. So Sawyer wanted to talk to me about something and he told me he still likes me and he was the one who kissed me. Then he like oh I miss you and i k ow you missed me, and I'm just like what do you expect me to say? I miss you? Me and Walker are nothing? Then I stormed upstairs and few minutes later he came back and showed me this video of walker piper talking and they kissed and Walker said piper was better than me" I finished. They just starred at me not believing it.
"Wow.." Sophie said speechless.
"Maybe you should just talk to him" Symonne said.
"I really don't want to see him right now" I said quietly
"Well you're gonna have to eventually" Sophie said agreeing. I know they're right. I just can't do it right. Then..
"OW LET GO!" Then Walker and Jenna burst into the room. Jenna was pinching his ear.
"What are you gus doing?" I asked not looking at Walker.
"Look you two need to talk things out, and if you're not willing gonna do, then I'm making you" Jenna said letting go of him. "Sophie, Emily come on. Let's let these two talk" They got up and followed Jenna out the room she closed the door behind her and we heard something that sounded like a lock. Did she lock the door?! Walker walked to the door and tried to open it.
"NOT UNTIL YOU WORK THINGS OUT!" She screamed back. Oh great....
"This is stupid we have nothing to talk about" He murmured.
"Really? Nothing to talk about. How about the fact you kissed piper and insulted me" I said.
"I DIDN'T KISS HER SHE KISSED ME!" He yelled. Wait what?!
"Ok, let's stop yelling for a minute and actually talk a out what happened" I said calming down.
He just nodded sitting down. "So when i went to talk to Sawyer he said that he still likes me" He just starred at me. "Then he saud he missed me and that's when HE kissed me. Then he was like, I know you miss me blah blah blah, then I said so you expect me to say that i miss you and what me and Walker is nothing. Then I went upstairs" I said finishing , he just continued starring at me
"Um ok. So what happened with me was that I was waiting for you to came back put, and piper cane out and said she had to talk to me so we went inside and she showed me the video of you and Sawyer saying she recorded it cause you guys were talking about me" he paused for a second. "Then she was like I have to tell you something and she said she likes me. She kissed me then saying how she was better than you, then I was talking sarcastically, I didn't actually mean what I said" He told me.
"So basically Piper and Sawyer tricked us" I said looking at him finally. He looked back at me.
"Yeah, I guess so...I'm sorry I yelled at you so much" He said quietly
"Yeah, me too." I said quietly back. He just looked at me then hugged me. I hugged him back.
"So what are we gonna do about Piper and Sawyer?" I asked letting go of him.
"We're gonna have to talk to them. But call Jenna so she can unlock the door" He said. I called Jenna, she's on her way. A few minutes later we heard the door open.
"You guys good now?" Jenna said looking at us. We both nodded smiling at each other.
"Where is Piper and Sawyer?" Walker asked walking towards the door.
"In the kitchen, why?" She said. Walker walked past her going downstairs. I quickly got up and followed him

Walker's POV
I went downstairs to kitchen and saw Piper and Sawyer talking again, and the whole squad.
"What the hell is wrong with you guys!" I said walking up to them.
"What do you mean?" Piper said so innocently
"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! TRYING TO BREAK UP ME AND INDI! WHAT THE HELL DID WE EVER DO TO YOU!" I yelled. I was mad. How could they?! Sawyer has Emily, and Piper has Lev.
"Woah, Walker calm down. No need to yell." Lev said. Are you kidding me right now.
"NO NEED TO YELL?! I ALMOST JUST LOST MY GIRL CAUSE OF THESE IDIOTS AND THERE'S NO NEED TO YELL?!" I yelled. They just starred not saying anything. I turned back to Piper and Sawyer.
"Why would you guys do this!" I said more calmer.
"Because, Indi can do way better than you! You don't deserve her! If anything I should be with her! She probably doesn't even like you" Sawyer said with a smirk. I swear i could punch right now.
"YOU'RE LITERALLY THE DUMBEST HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET. YEAH, YOU'RE RIGHT I DON'T LIKE WALKER..." She paused for a minute. "I LOVE HIM!" She said looking at me. I smiled at her.
"Walker do seriously love her. I mean look at her and look at me. I'm so much better than her!" Piper said. I rolled my eyes.
"Piper just stop! You should feel ashamed of yourself. Trying to break up a happy couple that didn't have any problems. Why you concerned about them. You have me!" Lev said stepping in. I just walked over to where Indi was and held her hand.
"Because, I just want Walker to like me again!" She said.
"Yeah, and Indi would be better off with me" Sawyer said looking at Indi. I put my arm around her, he glared at me. Hard.
"You know you guys are so selfish. Trying to get in the way of a relation. You both need to grow up" I said taking Indi's hand and leaving the kitchen going out to my car.
"Where are we going?" Indi asked getting in the car.
"Gavin's house" I said getting in, and driving off.

Ooooooo. So Windi settled their argument. Yay! What do you think will happen next with Piper and Sawyer. Who will the squad stick up for? Comment and Vote ❤❤❤❤ Bye 💖💖💖💖💖

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