Rest Now, In Slumber Deepe

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Rest now, in slumber deepe,

and dwell, not, on days long gone.

Lay downe thie head, and dream of joys

Which make thie braue heart leape.

Sing now, O valiant soule,

For dhou art saved and Secur'd.

His arms are safe and filled with Loue;

Their touch, with care, are full.

And here, as I watch you,

I can't help but love you more.

Yoor face, so filld with wondr'rous peace,

Is freshe and brighte as due.

Ah, yes, that I maye take

that dew, in which I delighte.

That I maye kiss that bless'ed browe;

All bitterness forsake.

Beloved, that is thie name.

You are deare; I holde you close.

And all the while, I must pay heede

My soule which is aflame.

*Author's note: This poem is written in Elizabethan English; spelling is very different than modern-day. Examples: thie=thy, braue=brave, dhou=thou, etc. Poem written in 2010 or 2011.

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