Unforgettable Feelings

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Hey Everyone,

Here we are, about to dive into the third book, the final book in the Fight For Love series.

Unforgettable Feelings so far has been self-therapeutic for me because I can relate with the female protagonist completely, and if it's safe to say then we might be one and the same.

Just like Josie, we all have insecurities and being able to identify those insecurities and admitting it to yourself and trying to get past them, takes a lot of time and energy. And with the few chapters I've written, helping Josie uncover those insecurities about herself has helped me uncover mine.

Unforgettable Feelings is a journey about self-discovery, self-healing, self-growth and self-acceptance. Because if you can't love yourself the way you are, it's hard to accept and understand people's love for you.

So, as we start this new journey I hope you all open your hearts, open your minds, be true to yourself, find yourself and be a part of this journey of self-discovery with Josie and Kaiden.

This story will switch from past to present for the first half of the book, that is the first 10-20 chapters, for you to understand what happened in their past. Telling it wouldn't be as good as experiencing it, hence the cut and the flashbacks.

The Prologue is going up on August 1st, and Chapter 1, on the 2nd. Updates will be on Saturdays and Sundays.

Looking forward to everyone starting this with me and meeting on the other side.

Have a good read and Stay safe.

Lots of Love,
Jane Lanett.❤️

P.S.: I made a trailer for Unforgettable Feelings which is up on my Instagram.

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