Chapter 16

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Josie's eyes drifted open, the daylight filtering through the curtain making it easier to adjust to. She took the feel of the new day in, the silence and then the chaos as the cars from the road a couple of stories below whooshed past, horns blaring and the early morning sound of machines; there was a repair happening across the road. Good thing it wasn't Saturday morning, a lot of people in her apartment building wouldn't appreciate that while nursing a hangover.

She turned on her other side, glancing at the alarm clock on her bedside table. She had a few minutes till it was set to ring but she knew if she didn't get up at that moment, she'd sleep an extra thirty minutes. So, with an exhale, she slid out of her blanket, her feet landing on the soft rug. She padded softly to the bathroom to begin her morning routine and a few minutes later she was out and headed to the kitchen. Getting out the tea pan from the cabinet, she added some water and tea leaves and turned the burner on. Her mum always made tea every morning and every day at four, it was the Indian culture. She let it boil as she fixed herself a cup with some milk and a teaspoon of sugar, she took the tea sieve and poured the tea into her cup. She stirred the liquid content after placing the tea pan on the burner and made her way back to her room.

Josie took a sip and placed the cup on her bedside table as she went to get ready for work, taking sips along the way. A few minutes later after she had finished her tea as well as her makeup, she slipped on her black Christian Louboutin and stood in front of the mirror to see the final look. She had on a nude almost pink satin sleeveless top tucked into high waisted black pants that flared below her knee. She grabbed her black blazer and slipped it on as well before getting her bag and her teacup and heading out of her room. She placed her teacup in the sink, picked up her car keys as well as her apartment keys before leaving.

On her way to work, she called Krispy Kreme and asked for three dozen of donuts to be delivered at O'CE. She arrived at the company and made her way out of her car and towards the elevator. She was putting her keys into her bag and getting her phone out when she bumped into someone. She stumbled back about falling when she felt hands on her arms steadying her. She looked up to find a good-looking man looking back at her.

"Are you ok?" He asked in a voice that would make her melt if he were someone else.

That thought made her frown, as she pulled away from him.
"I'm sorry." She apologized for bumping into him.

"It's ok." He smiled. "Are you alright?"

She nodded and gave him a small smile.
"I am. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

They stared at each other for an uncomfortable moment of silence.
"I have to get to work." Josie said.

"Of course." He said before she walked past him. "I'm Evan by the way."

Josie turned to look at him with a smile.
"It's nice to meet you." She said and resumed her walk to the elevator.

The elevator opened to her floor and she walked through making her way to her office returning everyone's greetings.

"Morning Georgie." Josie greeted as she passed her desk into her office.

Georgie looked up from what she was doing.
"Oh good, you're here." She got up and followed Josie into her office.

Josie placed her bag on the side of her desk and took off her blazer placing it behind her chair.
"What do you have for me?"

"The project you decided to take on."

"What about it?"

"Well, the client can't make her eight o'clock and wants to reschedule for you to meet her at eight-thirty at the firm."

"Eight-thirty, why the thirty-minute delay?"

"Didn't ask."

Josie sighed.
"How long is the drive?"

"Twenty minutes-ish."

"Ok then. I should leave now." Josie stood up, wore her blazer, and grabbed her bag. "Oh, and call the front desk and tell Janice I placed an order at Krispy Kreme. Tell her to send them right up."


"Yea well, with the number of projects the teams are handling, I figured no one's had anything to eat...or drink." She said with a frown.

"Everyone went straight to the office kitchen after they arrived."

Josie smiled.
"Good. Alright, I'll be back in an hour or two. Reschedule anything before nine-thirty."

"Ok." Georgie called as she made her way back towards the elevator and underground to the parking lot.

Four hours later, Josie arrived back at O'CE. After the meeting, she had driven around for a while until she decided to stop at Harper's not because she wanted to eat but because she needed somewhere lowkey to come up with ideas for her new client's project. But she couldn't just sit there at Harper's without ordering anything. She lost track of time and before she knew it, it was lunch. She had her lunch at Harper's before she had headed back. Josie made her way towards her office and as she took off her blazer, she noticed there weren't a lot of people at their desks.

It was still lunch but she knew the people on her team. It was the starting phase of a project, they usually had something delivered to the office even though she had nothing against them actually going out for their lunch break.

Josie caught Georgie heading to her desk.
"Georgie." She called.

Georgie made her way quickly to her office.
"Where have you been, you've been gone for hours."

"I lost track of time. Where's...?" She was interrupted when she was about asking about everyone

"You have no idea what happened."

Josie frowned.
"What happened?"

"I think it would be easier if I showed you," Georgie said. "C'mon."

Josie followed closely behind Georgie as she headed towards the office kitchen at the corner end of the floor. Josie heard them before she saw them.

"This happened." Georgie stood at the entrance of the kitchen beside her.

Josie stared at everyone seated in the kitchen and laughing with plates of food in front of them. She noticed the bags on one side of the room.

"Kaiden Williamson," Georgie said. "He stopped by a few minutes before lunch to get an update from Frank on how things were going. He stayed for a while and noticed no one was going for their lunch so he ordered their lunches."

Josie looked from Georgie to everyone else in the kitchen and smiled. She'd never seen any of them like this; like they were a big family, and she liked it.

"He is so sweet."

Josie's gaze and smile fell.

When he wanted to be.
She thought.

She looked at Georgie.
"I'll be in my office." She said before she walked away leaving Georgie wondering.

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