Chapter 18

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Josie stepped out of the elevator at the parking lot, underground, she was leaving the office for the day. She walked to her car digging for her keys in her bag when her phone rang. She smiled when she saw the caller's ID and answered on the third ring.

"Yes, Andre?" She answered in her stern voice.

"Oh, c'mon Josie, you aren't still mad at me."

"And if I am? I have a right to be you know." She said as she stopped in front of her car, using her shoulder to hold her phone to her ear as she resumed searching for her keys.

"Ugh, I know."

She smiled and pulled her key from her bag then went on to unlock her car door then get in. She placed her bag on the passenger's seat and slid the key into the ignition and turned on the engine.

"You're still at work?"

"Just heading home." She said as she tugged on her seatbelt and fastened it.

"Oh, great," Andre said. "Izzy and I were heading out for dinner, join us?"

"I would, but I'm not really in the mood to fly to Leicester." She said connecting her phone to her car speaker.

"Oh right, of course, how could I forget." Andre said in a voice that sounded a lot like sarcasm.

"You're in Seattle, aren't you?"

"We arrived this afternoon."

She smiled.



"Our usual place."

"Of course." She said. "I'm heading there right now."

"Good, see you in thirty."

Josie had a smile on her face when she hung up and made the drive to Harper's.

Andre and Izzy were seated at Andre's usual table.

"The last time we were here..." Izzy began.

Andre smiled remembering.
"I remember."

Izzy frowned.
"Why are you smiling?"

"It was a great day."

"What?!" Izzy asked, shocked. "You enjoyed seeing me suffer?"

"No, not that." He said.

"Then what?"

"It was the first time you told me you love me."

Izzy was silent as she replayed that day in her mind again and she smiled.

Andre leaned forward and took her hand.
"You are the best thing to ever happen to me."

Izzy leaned forward.
"So are you."

They leaned in about to kiss when Josie arrived at the table.
"Please, get a room."

"Josie!" Izzy was up and hugging her friend. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you more." Josie said and then hugged Andre.

"How's everything?" Andre asked.

"Uh, you know. Same old." Josie said as they all took their seats. "Actually, it's gotten worse."

"What's wrong?" Andre asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it," Josie said. "So, what are you guys doing in Seattle?"

"Andre wanted to check on things at AFTech here and I needed a break from dance."

"Perfect opportunity." Andre said.

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