Split up

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Gigis POV
Me and the girls are currently arguing about me ditching them for two weeks🙄
Mir: How do u expect us not to be mad that YOU ditched us for 2 week?!
Gigi: Maybe if y'all weren't so clingy then maybe I wouldn't have ditched y'all
Kim: Your clingy to but me and Mir don't complain!
Out the corner of my eye I could see Mir tearing up
Gigi: You know what I hate about you guys
Kim: What?
Gigi: The fact that Mir is a fucking crybaby and shy and you, your fucking annoying thinking your all that and ur so nice but ur really just a bitch
Kim: Well I'm sorry that I have self confidence and I'm not a bitch if we're being honest here Ur a bitch and you act so cool like everyone's supposed to love you
Mir: That's true..
Gigi: Oh so now ur taking her side?!
Mir: I'm not picking anyone si-
Gigi: Shut the hell up Mir of course ur gonna choose Kims side
Kim: Don't fucking yell at her and even if there was sides which there's not I don't blame her if she picked mine cause ur acting like a selfish bitch and let's not forget how u just yelled at her!
Miracles POV
After me and Kim left we got in her car I was looking out the window with tears slowly coming down
When we got to my house I quickly wiped my tears then me and Kim went inside the house to see my dad and some lady kissing I just ran upstairs and slammed the door
A couple minutes later I heard a knock
Mir: Go away..
Kim: Bebe let me in
I got up and unlocked my door letting her in, she closed the door after entering and walked over to me
She sat next to me putting her arm around me I don't know what it was but something triggered and tears started pouring down my face I put my head on Kims shoulder and wrapped my arms around her
Kim: Mir it's ok don't cry Gigi was toxic anyways we don't need her we're better off without her
Mir: Your right b-but my dad was kissing some lady and I don't want another women in our life Kim I like it as just us three
Kim: I know Bebe but it'll be ok maybe you'll like her but let's go somewhere to clear our mine
Mir: Frozen yogurt!
Kim: Ok
We went to the frozen yogurt place got our stuff then started walking to the park to sit down

Hope y'all enjoyed❤️~Mir)

Word Count 447

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