Starting School

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Hermione's POV:

I awoke to hear purring. I turned over and saw a ginger cat laying next to me, his big bright eyes staring into mine. I groaned. 

"Crookshanks, I kicked you outside last night." 

He mewed unapolegetically. I sighed. "Well, there's no point of staying in bed now." 

I rolled out of bed like a potato got into the shower. After another 10 minutes, I came out in an outfit Ginny had picked out for me.

 After another 10 minutes, I came out in an outfit Ginny had picked out for me

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Hermione's outfit ^^

Suddenly, I heard a snoring sound from the other end of the room. Ginny was still asleep! Oh great, I hope I hadn't woken her up.

 I slowly opened and then closed the door. I walked down the creaky stairs of the Weasley home. Home. I grew up in this house, and Molly and Arthur were like my parents. Even before my parents were in Australia, they comforted me when my dad-

No, were not going to go there. That's a bad place. I shook off my thought as I made my way down the stairs, I saw a messy head of black hair. 

Harry was sitting at the counter, his back facing me. I came over to him to tap him on the shoulder.

"Hermione!" He yelled in surprise.

"Oh sorry Harry.." I said.

"Oh no, its fine." He gestured for me to sit next to him. 

"So...morning." I said awkwardly.

"Good Morning." Harry responds.

The war changed Harry. The most out of everyone. Me and him were two people in the spotlight the whole time. With Reeta s news articles and all the torture, we both became really overwhelmed. 

"How are things with you and Ron?" Harry asked.

I rubbed the scar Bellatrix had given me on my forearm, it had became an nervous habit. "Um..well, I'm not too sure. He's been out and about for a while so we haven't had the chance to talk."

This was true. He now had Quidditch practice 3 times a week. Harry dropped out of Quidditch so he could spend more time with friends, and start Auror training. I was happy that Harry got to spend time to himself, but also worried about what Ron might be doing if he wasn't at Quidditch practice.

"You know.." Harry began "Is it just me or has Ron seemed weird to you lately?"

I thought about that for a moment. He did seem more intentional with not talking to us much when we were home, he also wouldn't let me look through any of his letters, and I found some lipstick in the muggle BMW we share. 

"No..he's just stressed from the war." I quickly responded, looking down into my lap.

I couldn't see Harry's face, but he was probably raising his eyebrows.

"Soo, anyways, how are you and Ginny? I heard about your date at Daigon Alley last night." I interogated him.

He blushed. "So, spill the tea sis." I said.

"Um, we just went to the Owl, and then ate ice cream. That's all." 


I would've continued to ask him about his date, but then Molly Weasley came bustling down the stairs with Ginny and Ron behind her. All of them in pajamas.

"Oh my, what if we missed them?" She ran to the window in a chaotic frenzy.

I gave a confused look to Ginny. 

"Oh, don't mind mum. She's just checking for our Hogwarts letters."

"Ours? Were going too?" Ron mumbled.

Molly turned on us. For a second I thought I had done something wrong, but then she just asked "Did you hear? Dumbledore is requiring all students from the year before to go back...?"

"Go back to where?" Ron asked, sounding half-dead.

"Hogwarts of course." I answered him.

"Wait! Were all going back to Hogwarts?" Harry and Ron yelled in surprise.

Molly sat down. "Yes, its so you all can earn degrees. Because the damn Ministry keeps changing the requirement for wizarding adults.." she ranted, more to herself than to anyone else.

"B-but, what about my Auror traing?" Harry anxiously asked.

"Well, if you don't come this year, then you can't apply for any jobs. Both in the wizarding and muggle world."

"Why are they making a bunch of young adults go to school again?" I questioned the situation.

"I don't know." Mrs. Weasley admitted.

A loud squawk came from the window. There was some owls with letters in their beaks.

"Looks like they're here."

I collected two letters, both in which were adressed to me. One was about coming back to Hogwarts (which Harry and Ron had), the other had the same envelope cover as the first letter, but was lighter.

Before I could open it, I saw Ron reading a letter with a sparkly red envelope. "Hey Ron, who's that from?" 

He looked up in alarm, and then just said "None of your business." coldly.

I was shocked out how he responded. I could see that everyone else was too. After 30 seconds of awkward silence, Ginny came to my rescue.

"Hermione, whats that letter you have there?" She gestured to the lighter envelope. 

"Oh I should open it." I opened the seal and saw a thin piece of paper. It read:

Dear Hermione Granger,

we are pleased to announce that you have been appointed for the position as Head Girl. It is an honour to be in this position, so we would hope that you would not abuse your power in this position. In two days time, you will board the train of passage to go to Hogwarts. The role of head boy is yet to be revealed, but you both will share a dorm, and take shifts around one another as required. 



"Yes! YES!" I yelled.

"What is it?" 


Everyone congratulated me, except Ron, who just sat there. 

Finally, he said "Who is the head boy?"

"I don't know." 

"Are you sharing a dorm?" He asked, somewhat threateningly.


Before he could say another word, Arthur came down the stairs asking what all the commotion was about.

Everyone excitedly told him about what was happening.

I can't believe that I'm head girl! But I seriously do wonder who's head boy...

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