Flashbacks (Sorry for not updating)

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Hermione's POV:

I ran out the hall way, and all the way to Hagrid's hut. Not looking back.

I hid behind one of the pumpkins and screamed.

Unfortunately, the thoughts and questions had followed me all the way over to the pumpkins.

Whats wrong with Ron?

Why did Lavender feel sorry for me?

Will I get in trouble for all the commotion he caused?

And most importantly, why in Merlin's name did I kiss the one-and-only Draco fricking Malfoy?

I had no idea how to answer any of those. Especially the last one.

I needed to do it for whatever reason, I just had to kiss him. Why? I DON"T KNOW STUPID TEENAGE HORMONES!!!!

Had he been exceptionally nice to me? Yes.

Did he hate Ron as much as I did? Probably.

Had he changed? Supposedly.

Did he almost save my life? Yeah I guess.

Did I love him? 

"Well its certainly not out of the picture I suppose..." I muttered to myself "I have always strongly respected him, at least before he bullied me. And he's fairly attractive...." I thought of his bright grey eyes and messy blonde hair, and his smirk that infuriated me everytime, because of how stupidly attractive he could be? Wait, what?

I leaned my head up against the pumpkin behind me and covered my face. Too much stuff happening...

I thought of Harry and Ginny's faces. Oh gosh, they'll never talk to me ever again. 

Ginny would have been the only person I would have been able to talk to, but she probably resented me. I should have been able to talk to mom, but she hasn't been the same since...

Oh crap, no Hermione. Don't make yourself say it.

My dad died....


I saw mom leaning over her bed, re-adjusting the pillows and hurriedly comforting my dad. I was behind the door, peeking in to see what was wrong. I couldn't see my dad's face, but judging by how my mom seemed to be sweating, I knew there was something wrong. 

"Daddy....." I stepped into the bedroom "Are you okay?"

Mom looked at me. "Sweetie, you shouldn't be he-" I yelped in surprise when dad at up. He had a huge scar on his left eye, concealing the brown orbs that I had inherited from him.

"D-daddy...wha- how??"

"Its alright Mione, come, sit here." He gestured next to him, smiling, but I could tell he was putting on a brave face for me.

I sat down. "Hermione, I just got into a bad situation today, its nothing too serious."

I traced the scar down his face. "Who did this?"

He sighed. "It doesn't matter. Here, go play with  your sister."

I ran outside, panting. 

"Hermy, are you okay?" My blonde sister asked me, not genuinely caring.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled. 

She stopped what she was doing, and stood back in shock. "Hermione...."

"Dad is inside right now! HE might die!" I said, my voice quavering with fear.

Melissa didn't say anything, but ran right into the house. I followed her.

We stopped in the doorway, I heard my parents talking.

"Please no- you can't---"

"Please, its for the best...."

"No! Mark...NO!"

I heard a bang and a crash my mother screamed and I sprinted out of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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