[11] A lot of stuff

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Kacchan and I walked to school holding hands and smiling at each other.
We didn't talk much but when we got to UA Kacchan put an arm around my shoulder, holding me close as we kept walking to class.

We got to class thirty minutes early, surprisingly there was a few other students also there.

Todoroki, who was reading a book didn't even look up, I looked at cover of it and saw it was a textbook from another class.

Kirishima who looked up at the two of us and started making his way towards us.

Iida, who was busy talking to Uraraka.

Uraraka who wasnt paying attention but was rather glaring at Kacchan and I.

My train of thought was interrupted my a certain red head.

"Hey Bakubro! Hey Midoribro! Whats up?"

Kirishima smirked as he trained his eyes on Kacchan, with his arm still around my shoulders, I stayed quiet, unsure of how he would react to the truth.

"Shitty hair. The hell do you fucking want?!"

My ash blonde boyfriend seemed agitated so I lightly drew circles into his back with my index finger.

Kirishimas smirk only grew as he saw my actions.

Kacchan sighed and removed his arm from my shoulders and crossed his arms.

"Well Shitty hair?! Are you gonna say something or just stand there with that stupid look on your face?"

Kirishima finally decided to speak.

"Are you two finally dating?"

Both Kacchan and I felt kinda surprised by his words, I decided to speak.

"Finally dating? What do you mean by that..?"

Kirishima put his fists together, making a quiet clank noise.

"The bakusquad always knew Bakugo has a soft spot sometimes for you so we always thought you two together would be super manly!"

I blushed lightly at this and it seems that Kacchan also blushed slightly, he took a defensive pose and shouted at kirishima.

"I don't have a soft spot shitty hair!! Shut up! I'm not soft or weak!!!"
Kacchan scoffed and looked away from both of them.
I hugged Kacchan from behind and tried calming him down.

"Calm down Kacchan, I love you"

Kirishima was still there and he smirked, his ship starting to sail.

"I love you to you cute ass nerd.."

We instantly got a notification in the class chat so we of course checked it.

BakuDeku has sailed.
Bakudeku has sailed.

My face turned red and I buried my face in Kacchans back as some people become active in the chat.

Floaty: Ew, thats gross.

Froggy: Uraraka, what do you mean?

Floaty: I mean that a guy liking
another guy is gross!

Grapejuice: I agree with Uraraka!

Alien Queen: Canceled.

Floaty: What?

Alien queen: Homophobes are
Canceled, Your not our friends any

Electric boi: Yeah, I myself completely
agree with Mina

Floaty: Seriously Denki?!

Floaty: Oh god, don't tell me your
one too!

Electric boi: What's so wrong about it?
And I'm Bi

Floaty: Im done with you all.

Floaty is now offline

I also turned off my phone and I separated myself from my boyfriend.

" I-I will be right back.. "

(TW, self harm)

I sped walked to the bathroom and I locked myself in a stall, taking a notebook that I dont use out of my backpack and opening it up.

I flip the pages until I find the hollowed out section with a Razor blade inside of it. I take the blade and roll up my sleeves, pressing it to my skin to feel the cool sharp metal.

Do it, no one would care

I slit my wrist but regretted it immediately. Knowing that someone will eventually see the scar I started panicking. To get my mind out of panic mode I did the only thing I could think of.

I cut again, and again, and again, and again.

There was no sound but to me it felt like a lullaby, a dangerous lullaby at that. I eventually stopped but only because I was forced to as I slipped into an unconscious state from bleeding so much.

I woke up to hear crying, Comforting, and a steady beep.

I opened my eyes after a minute of realizing where I am, and what had happened.
All I see is white, everything's white, the ceiling, The walls, the table filled with white bandages.

I see something that isnt white, people.

I see Kacchan, Inko, and doctors.

My heart rate speeds up as I notice Inko.

I feel a hand on my cheek and I quickly realize I was crying, I look up at my boyfriend whos trying to calm me down.

I rest my head and somewhat relax at his soft touch and the doctor interrupts my short peaceful moment.

"Midorya, I'm going to have you fill out a mental health evaluation sheet."

Hey, sorry for the late chapter!
A lot of stuff is happening on my life rn.
I'm still going to get as much out as possible though!
Anyways, Have a good day/night and eat food, drink water, And get some sleep!
See ya next time!
(851 words)

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