Dumbledore's demand (3rd Year)

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Harry made his way to Dumbledore's office along with Padfoot, Moony, and Malfoy. He and Dra- no- Malfoy had an wand fight in the Quidditch practice area and were 'assigned' to go on a quest by Dumbledore along with Remus and Sirius. 

We were finally at his office "Sherbet Lemon." Harry sighed as Dumbledore's office opened. "Ah, Harry, Draco, Professor Lupin, Sirius, I see you have arrived" Dumbledore started "Sit down." 

Moony looked at Sirius with a look and whispered something in his ear. "As you can see, I have assigned you a quest, one beyond all dangers.." Dumbledore walked toward the window "You have to time travel to the future for information." 

I kept quiet but at the corner of my eye I saw Malfoy roll his eyes, Sirius stood up "With much respect Dumbledore, this is a very serious mission, are you sure we need to take them?" Sirius pointed to me and Malfoy,

"Yes Sirius, but this is a strange mission. You have to interact with the people from the future— before you ask— no this will not harm the past, present, nor future in any way." Dumbledore explained.

Dumbledore handed Remus the time-turner. "You will go to year- 2020." Dumbledore told us. 2020? That's years away from now!  Harry didn't complain out loud. "Your time begins now." Dumbledore told them.

A bright light surrounded the room and— "Agh! Stupid light!" He heard Malfoy screech. They appeared in the same room they had been in moments before- but it wasn't Dumbledore sitting in the desk, it was— McGonagall? 

"Pro-Professor McGonagall? What are you doing in Dumbledore's office?" I asked "Oh, Mister Potter, Malfoy, Lupin, Black, I have been expecting you." Professor McGonagall stated "I am the new headmistress, come, follow me to the Slytherin Common room." And with that, she got up and went to open the door.

She turned around "Are you coming then?" We nodded and followed "Well this is different" Remus stated as we followed McGonagall to the Slytherin house. Wait, this isn't where the Slytherin house is, it's underwater! Or maybe they changed to placing of it.  

When we went inside I saw Slytherins greeting me, a GRYFFINDOR with smiles!? They saw my red tie, shouldn't they be mean? Oh what have I gotten myself into this time! Wait, At least  they're nice...right? I followed McGonagall to some room and found what looked like an exact copy of me and Malfoy.

"This is Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, your sons from the future. Albus, Scorpius, these are your fathers from the past" McGonagall started "I will get Tom, Bella, and the others." And then she left the room

We all sat down and looked at each other for a while, it was weird to see my son. Wait why was he hanging out with a Malfoy..? "So, Albus.. are you and Scorpius friends..?" I asked, and when I said 'Scorpius' , I said it rudely.

"Actually.." Albus had an 'Welllllllll' expression on his face "He is my uhm- boyfriend." All four of us gasped "A Potter, and a Malfoy? Who would've thought?!" Remus exclaimed "Wha- I cant even get him to be my friend and my son manages to get himself a boyfriend! That's not fair" Malfoy scoffed.

"Wow, Dad was right, Draco was hot but a jerk." Albus laughed. Sirius bursted into laughter "Harry said Draco was hot!" He exclaimed with tears of disbelief (in a good way tho), Moony joined the laugh.

I blushed and so did Draco "You said I'm hot, eh?" He teased "Shut up Malfoy" I exclaimed.

"So, I end up with Ginny?" I asked "No you end up with Hermione." Albus said "Wait what-" "I was joking, you end up with Ginny." Albus giggled. 

"Cute idiot." Scorpius whispered to Albus but only I heard it and smirked "So, what year are you two in?" Draco Malfoy asked. "Fifth." Scorpius answered. "Two years older than you two." Remus smiled.

"When did you end the rivalry..?" Remus asked, amused yet confused. "Well we never really cared about what our fathers said because it was all because my dad didn't accept his father's handshake and that was just stupid, like they almost killed each other stupid." Albus explained then continued "But they became best friends a few years ago." 

"What happened to the Death Eaters and Voldemort!?" Sirius asked.

Scorpius smiled "They were released after 2 decades of prison but they're good now, and by 'Voldemort' you mean Tom?" Scorpius said "Yeah, Tom Riddle." Malfoy said "He turned to his original human form and got married to Bellatrix a few years after her divorce and became Bellatrix Riddle, they have two daughters, one is Delphini but we call her Delphi."

"Who's the second one?" Remus asked "Well.." Albus said "the second one is Bellatrix's step daughter and one of my fathers close friends.." Scorpius continued "Its.."

Hello! This is Viomeri! I will update a chapter every single day, and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Bye Veela's!

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