Chapter 1

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Hello everyone!! I'm really happy with the kind of response I've received, and I'm as excited as you guys are for this story to begin. Heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your kind support, it means a lot to me. 
"Twinkle!! You're such a foodie! I can't even imagine how your future husband will bear all of your tantrums!" Chinki spoke with a sigh as Twinkle helped herself to yet another plate of Pani Puri, while the others laughed at her carefree attitude. The gang was chilling out at their regular street food place for the first time since they all had begun working over two months ago, and wanted to make the best of it. However, there were a pair of eyes that held much more than just friendly affection for her. "Yuvi! When you love her so much, what's stopping you from confessing your feelings, you fool!" A guy spoke, tapping on Yuvi's shoulder, trying to pull him out of his trance. Yuvi just sighed sadly in response, he was just like any other guy, too scared to confess, for he feared he would lose his friend in an attempt to begin his love story.Yuvi's love for Twinkle hadn't gone too unnoticed. Everyone except Twinkle herself, was aware of the transition in Yuvi's feelings from friendship to something way more deeper. However, they chose to let Yuvi himself reveal his feelings, not wanting to ruin anything for them.As they bid farewell to each other, Chinki quickly muttered some advice to Yuvi, threatening him that he would lose his love forever if he hesitated even now. She had also informed him that Leela had been looking for a good alliance for Twinkle recently. This seemed to show some effect, and Yuvi resolved to confess his feelings before it was too late.

Meanwhile, at a posh restaurant not too far away, a girl was shown seated at one of the tables, getting restless with each passing moment, evidently waiting for someone for a considerably long time now. "I'm so sorry, love. It's just that.." Kunj rushed in huffing as he tried to think of a reason. However, his words were cut short by the girl, "The traffic got you delayed, I know." She sounded bored rather than annoyed. "Alisha! Listen!!" Kunj called out, as she turned to leave, taking hold of her hands. He looked at her apologetically, and she smiled, giving him a 'You will never change' look.They then enjoyed their cold coffee, talking of casual things, when Kunj picked up his serious tone out of the blue. "I hope I'll get to hear a yes at least next time" He spoke slowly, while Alisha gulped hard. They had been dating for a couple of years already, though they had never got very close to each other. Kunj had been putting forth his proposal for marriage for three months now, but Alisha always found a way to get out of it. Kunj had been extremely patient though, giving her all the time she needed, while she was gradually getting accustomed to the limelight he was under.Alisha was no stranger to the world of celebrities either. She was a renowned model herself, but she knew her career had picked up pace only after she was rumored to be dating 'the Kunj Sarna', the budding rockstar with a fan following that would cause envy to anyone.

Despite their picture perfect love story, Alisha had her own reasons to refuse his proposal. She had been living on her own for many years now, and didn't want to become a suppressed daughter in law, neither did she hold Usha and Manohar Sarna in high esteem.Alisha's train of thoughts was broken by Kunj, who gently squeezed her hand, giving her an assuring smile. She smiled back at him, wondering if she was wrong in giving him hopes of their happily ever after, when she had absolutely no intentions of getting married to him.

On the other hand, Twinkle and Chinki were in the former's car, going back home. "Twinkle!! Why don't you understand? Yuvi really holds some feelings for you..." Chinki insisted, but Twinkle remained stubborn. "Chinki, we are just good friends. Why can't you see things as they are? Stop building sand castles in the air, will you? And besides, Yuvi will never fit into the description of the prince of my dreams" Twinkle spoke, drifting off to her dreamland, where she and her prince lived their happily ever after. "Oh really! If not Yuvi, who else fits into the description, Twinkle?" Chinki argued, though she already knew there was no point. She could only hope things would turn better when Yuvi would finally confess his feelings.

Twinkle was still a child at heart, and despite her prince charming ideology that Chinki thought was way too childish, she admired the fact that Twinkle had a sole purpose in life, and it was to fulfill all her mother's dreams and keep her happy. The Tanejas were highly respected in the society, though they didn't have as much wealth as the Sarnas, the most famous family in the city, to boast of. Mrs. Leela Taneja was a single parent, but she never took that to be a limitation. She and Twinkle had always lived a content life, and her success as a businesswoman brought them their little share of popularity.

Twinkle had faced the harsh realities of the world at a very young age, but her mother's endless love always kept her going, making her all that she was now. As Twinkle pondered over all these thoughts, Chinki drove into the gates of the Taneja mansion, and they rushed in to meet Leela. They were quite surprised to see a woman they didn't recognise immediately seated comfortably in the living room. She had placed some papers before Leela, who seemed to be torn apart between her mind and heart to take a decision. Their reason for surprise came now. They knew that Leela never brought her business issues home in all these years. Besides, Leela had never looked so worried before. "Ma?" Twinkle called out, hoping everything was alright. "Ah! There she is. Twinkle Taneja!! She's so beautiful!!! She's definitely taken after you, Leela.." the woman spoke as she eyed the mother-daughter duo exchange a warm hug. Twinkle looked up at the woman immediately. "Have you been speaking of me, by any chance?" She enquired, sitting down beside Leela, unaware of the fact that what was coming up would turn her world topsy turvy.

That's it for now, guys.

Hope you all liked it. There wasn't much happening in this chapter, just some introduction of the characters, since it hadn't been done before. There's a lot coming up, hopefully soon.Much love!

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