Chapter 14

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Greetings everyone!! A big thank you for all the love this story is receiving, although I hope the story will get warmer response soon. Happy reading!

"This colour of the Mehendi doesn't actually indicate anything Twinkle! Open your eyes to the reality!! Every little smile and laughter with him now will haunt you one day in the future!!" Chinki's warning echoed in Twinkle's mind as she sat in her balcony watching the stars. She sighed deeply, knowing that Chinki was absolutely right. There would surely come a time when every single happy memory she makes with Kunj would feel like thorns pricking her very soul. She knew for a fact that Kunj could never reciprocate her feelings. She recalled Leela and Usha teasing her that the colour of the Mehendi would have darkened by morning, which according to them meant that there would be deep love in her and Kunj's relationship. She laughed it off and picked up her phone, only to find tons of notifications.

Kunj had posted yet another picture of them, this one was from the Haldi ceremony, he had been whispering something being very annoyed when the picture was taken. "The one who listens to each complaint of mine patiently and knocks sense into me when it's necessary" He had written. "What do you think you're doing?" she texted him. "Watching TV. Why?" He responded. He called her up when she didn't reply for a minute or so. "What are you up to, Kunj?" She asked as soon as she picked up. It was evident that she was unhappy, but about what remained unknown to him. "What.." He began, then the realisation hit him. "Is this about the picture?" He asked, her silence made it clear that it was. "You were the one that made me realise that to the outside world we are just another couple getting married and we must seem like one. Our marriage must look real, no?" He explained, she replied with a calm, "You're right. I'm sorry I reacted so badly" and cut the call. 'Must look real' she repeated to herself. Another reminder that she would be the only one actually considering it a marriage, he wouldn't. As her mind brooded over these thoughts, he called her again. He told her that he had recognised the disappointment in her voice, and went on to tell her that she needed to understand that the wedding meant a lot to both of their families, before he told her excitedly about the new song he had begun working on. He had been paying close attention to her voice, and when he was sure that his talks had brought her back to her happy mood, he wished her a 'Good night'.

Twinkle was awakened by the loud chaos the next morning. When she went to the corridor outside her room she saw many of her relatives and friends practising their dances for the Sangeet ceremony that was scheduled to happen that evening. She smiled as she saw the happiness on Leela's face, making her realise that that was worth it all. "Hey!" Yuvi greeted her, walking towards her. She smiled as genuinely as she could at him, the images of her rejecting his proposal coming back to her mind. "Don't think about all that now or ever again!" He said, knowing what she had been thinking. He looked at her for a moment and said, "I'm Chinki's partner tonight by the way!" She smiled at the thought, while he said, "Please keep this smile constant! Or your groom might have me locked up somewhere for being responsible for your sorrow!" She laughed and looked away, wondering if Kunj would care enough to do that. "You are happy with him, aren't you?" Yuvi asked, snapping a finger in front of her eyes. She nodded with her best smile, and he said, "Or I would lock him up somewhere!" She gave him a 'Very funny!' look making him laugh. "I just hope you find all the happiness in the world" He said finally, looking right at her, and added, "With him."

All the fuss about the wedding being the next day was making Twinkle extremely anxious. She was glad she was able to ensure that Leela wouldn't be left alone, and relieved that Yuvi had been so sportive, but she still wasn't able to sit back and breathe peacefully. Chinki watched her getting all jittery, as she got ready for the ceremony, when she saw Kunj at the door. He motioned her not to inform Twinkle that he was there. He just stood and watched as she had a hard time picking a necklace to go with her dress. Chinki sneaked out, smiling at him, while he nodded at her assuringly. "This one!" He said, picking up a necklace out of the many that Twinkle had spread out on the dressing table in front of her. She turned around to make sure she wasn't dreaming of Kunj once again. "Hi!" She said, taking the necklace from him. "Need help?" He asked her as she fidgeted with the hook. "Please?" She said, wondering if that would be the right thing to ask him to do. She watched in the mirror as he worked with the hook. It had been one of her biggest dreams to have this moment with him, and it was finally coming true. He, on the other hand, looked up at her reflection when he was done with the necklace. For the first time, he felt something in him tingle as he watched them stand there like a perfect couple. "God! You've always been this pretty?" He asked in a whisper, not realising what he had said in his daze. When she turned to look at him, he wished he hadn't said that, until he noticed that she was blushing for a moment before she walked away, muttering a 'Thank you'.

"I brought you flowers!" He called out from behind, picking up the bouquet that he had brought for her and placed on the bed when he had headed to help her. She seemed excited like a little child to receive them. "Thank you!" she said, as she carefully touched each flower in it. "What is it for, though?" She asked him, placing it on her bedside table cautiously. "For making you angry yesterday!" He replied. It was Twinkle's turn to watch him in a daze now. She couldn't believe it; yet another of her dreams was coming true. For a moment, she didn't care that he didn't love her back. She was his 'best friend' whom he cared about, and that's all she needed. She smiled to herself realising that she could spend her whole life this way. "Twinkle?" Kunj called out, breaking her train of thoughts. "Probably my fault. I'm sorry" She said, but he nodded in a no, and they finally concluded, after a long session of each blaming themselves and certifying the other as right, that both of them had been right at their own places.

"Shall I post this one?" Kunj asked Twinkle, picking out a picture from the Mehendi ceremony. "My fans are waiting to see the pictures, you see? You would know, aren't you a big fan too?" He teased her when she chided him for being on the social media all the time. Leela entered the room to see Twinkle and Kunj sitting beside each other on the bed and discussing the pictures. She smiled at them, and quickly prayed for their happiness and togetherness forever. She stood watching as they laughed together at something, not wanting to disturb them, but they needed to go downstairs for the ceremony, Kunj had asked to speak to Twinkle for just five minutes and it had already been half an hour. "Kunj?" Leela called out, making both of them look up at her immediately. "Leela aunty! We were just discussing about.." He began to explain, walking towards her, but she shook it off, smiling at him. Twinkle watched happily as Leela insisted on Kunj calling her 'Ma', and he finally agreed.

That's it for now, guys. Until next time,

Lots of love!!

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