Some teen wolf gifs for you.
⚠️ warning ⚠️ there will be mentions of- suicide, drug abuse, violence
Taking requests!
Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters and none of these chapters are going to be parts from teen wolf.
Started- 23/07/20
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You and Ethan get into a argument and growls at you, before he can touch you Issac comes over.
"Oh my god! Stop being so full of yourself, (y/n)!"
"How the fuck am I full of myself, I am human, like stiles! I go on these missions with you and risk my life to help others! You are the one that's full of yourself!"
"You choose to come! Not my problem, if you get hurt!"
"I go with everyone, because I want to help! If I was full of myself I wouldn't go, would I?!"
"You only go to prove your strong and hook up with Isaac."
Ethan's eyes go a bright yellow and his fangs and claws show, inching towards you.
Just before he could Issac comes through the door of Scott's place and runs over to the two of you, fangs, yellow eyes and claws showing. ^
"Touch her, you'll never get in the pack."
Ethan and Aiden have been trying to prove they're worthy enough to be in the McCall's pack, so Ethan backed off changing back to human form and stomping off.