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Of all the- I couldn't think clearly. That girl. She thought she could defy me! She, who barely came up to my chin, who I could probably break in half without hardly trying, stand up to me! Me, Jeon Jungkook, the heir to the Jeon fortune, a millionaire in my own right.

My scowl grew as I turned my back on her and stalked away, contemplating her insolence. To presume to retort to me, to correct me, to tease me even! Well, I had of course set her back on track. No mere girl can tell me how to talk to her!

I stole a subtle peek back at her. She saw me and grinned. I yanked my head back around. So maybe she wasn't as set back on course. Oh well, she was a nobody. No one worth dwelling on.

If only she hadn't been laughing when I snapped at her! I really could have convinced myself to ignore her otherwise. But those damned huge doll-like eyes were laughing, smirking even beneath the glasses.

Dangerous bitch now, because she had seen me put the note in the Matchmaker's locker. Now when the matchmaker found the note, it could easily be traced back to me. Damn. Damn that girl to the poor hells where she belongs, with her thrift store clothes and dime store jewel-no, she didn't wear any jewellery. Even cheaper. Maybe, if I'm lucky, her parents will work for mine, as most do in this damn school, and I'll get her thrown out. That would be a blast.

'Hey, J-money!"

Yea. Taehyung. My so-called best friend, in reality just the only person I can stand for any length of time. True, he's not quite as rich as me. But he's easy-going, doesn't argue, and is easily dominated. By me, of course. He always goes by what I said. Except for that one time...

"Hello, Tae," I responded indifferently.

"Dude, hear of any parties this week?" he asked, trotting easily beside me. My legs may be longer as I am taller, but he's more athletic then I am. Sure I work out, and I'm no weakling, but Taehyung's the football quarterback. I don't need the athletics to help me, though. My native good looks and money get me all the girls I could ever want. Well, perhaps not all, but all in the conceivable future. I don't need a mythological matchmaker to help me find love. Hell, I don't even need love.

"Because I need some encouragement after the big game," Taehyung was still chattering, "we'll probably win, but a backup plan to get wasted is always necessary!"

That's Taehyung for you, always enthusiastic. Far too enthusiastic. And talkative. I was forced to cut him off as he continued to ramble.

"Saturday. Namjoon's."

It always shuts him up for at least a minute when I use that tone.

"Dude, that's awesome! Namjoon throws awesome parties!"

Usually, at least. But he was right in this case. Namjoon's parties were nearly as good as mine.

"It's just a party, Tae. We go to one almost every day," I chided him abruptly. A flock of freshmen sauntered by. I scowled, and they fled.

"But maybe this time, that new step-sister of Jimin will show. I haven't seen her before, and she must be hot."

'Namjoon has a sister?" I hated to ask Tae anything, he's so stupid, but in this case, it was called for. New girls are always good. More and more are getting paired up, thanks to this damn Matchmaker. A new unattached girl could prove a good distraction.

"You going to show?" Tae queried. He always asked, and I consistently answered the same thing. Another example of his all prevailing idiocy.

"Of course. Don't I always?" I flashed a passing sophomore my patented not even a smirk, and she backed hurriedly away, facing me with an awestruck expression fro as long as she could before she ran into the wall and, blushing, fled. My smirk grew into a sneer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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