The Awakening

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"Great! So I was walking home again", I said out loud as I read Maxen's text. I didn't mind the walking so much, the forest on my way home gave me peace on a hectic day, but after the extra training we just went through, I would've really liked a rest. As I glanced around the empty parking lot, I cursed my luck. 

Since I was already walking home, I put the English Assignment I fetched from my locker into my bag, not wanting it to get wet if it rained. Mrs. Strawberry would throw a fit if she found out how carelessly I dealt with it. Yeah... Mrs. Strawberry, who the hell would want their surname to be a fruit, apparently my English teacher would. Not that I minded her much, apart from her sometimes insane behavior and the things she'd like to believe in, she wasn't that bad. Also that made her the only teacher I didn't despise.

I was hit with another gust of cold wind, sending shivers down my spine. I glanced up and saw that it was about to pour, So I willed my feet to walk as fast as I could and continued to my house. As I walked past the green fields and the playground, I was hit with an intense feeling of nausea, I thought back to the times when I came here with my family, but that all disappeared after mom left us and dad became excessively workaholic and Maxen well... Maxen grew up. All that was left for me was a broken home, filled with uncountable memories and my skates team. Not that I was disheartened by all this, because I knew it was better this way since there no longer was that constant fighting and cursing in the house.

I shuddered as I felt the first drop hit my face, Ohh nooo... I hadn't even stepped half a foot, when the rain came down with such a force that I felt myself getting completely soaked, I picked up pace and started running. I only realized how unsafe this was when I saw a car hurling towards me. 

"Shit!!!", I cursed as I missed it just by an inch.

"Move out of the way!!!"Some mad man from that car screamed.

 The highway was so not safe, I thought as I barely escaped the third car now, I had to get off it, I ran along into the forest.

I was already familiar with the creaky turns of the forest but since it was raining so heavily I literally couldn't see anything. I stumbled across a branch and went tumbling into the deeper parts of the forest. I had never been there, since it was obviously too wierdly difficult to get into, not that I wanted to. I was not a biologist but even I was aware of the fact that there were still millions of species of weird insects well hidden from civilization and I didn't want to be the one to discover those. However today was a different case, I had accidentally stumbled into the most weirdest of the environments. The trees were so high that it appeared as if they were kissing the sky and they branched in such a way that the heavy rain outside seemed like a scarce shower in here. I couldn't see the sky from down here as light filtered though the trees like a net.

I brushed off the leaves and mud from my clothes and stood up. I had to find a way out of this place and onto maybe the road so I could just go home and sleep, I was so freaking tired.

A rustle of leaves behind me made me stop in my steps, I felt icy cold fear freeze up in my veins, this was not how I wanted to die, without so much as a backward glance I sprinted down further into the forest.

More rusting.

I could feel whatever was following me close up behind me. 

Shit! I really hated Mellissa for the extra mile she made us run. I could feel my mouth getting itchy and my breath came out in huffs. My legs went wobbly, but I couldn't stop. I had to keep running.

I felt warm breath behind my back and a light growl made the hair on the back of my neck stand.

This was it, this was how I was going to die. Nobody would ever find my body and the reason behind my death. More importantly, I wouldn't be able to see the next part of X-men which was releasing this weekend and Ohh god, I couldn't hold it any longer. 

Just when I was about to pass out from exhaustion I stepped a foot on the ground covered with dry leaves and the next thing I know, I was tumbling down a cramped up hole and into darkness...

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