A New Member

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"Agnes is looking for you," was all Kyle needed to say to send me running. Agnes was our Grand Master and when she required someone's attention, it was usually very urgent.

I reached her cabin and knocked twice before I was let in.

Agnes was an abnormally short lady, but she had such a commanding aura which made people feel dormant. Standing there in the center, she looked deep in conversation with Thamus, her second in command. As I entered, her eyes looked up at me with such fierceness and worry that I knew something was very wrong.

"At your service Grand Master," I bowed.

"Carson we have a very big problem. Last night another one of the lost fires was awakened." I don't know how she was able to say all of that with a poker face.

"Do we know where it is?"I asked, already fearing her answer.

"No I'm afraid. It's already went rouge."

Okay Shit. Now that was going to be a big problem. Finding a Firenix was hard enough, finding a rouge one. Ahhhh too much work.

"What do you want me to do? Cancel the patrol and go on with a search team?"I asked Agnes, not sure why she hadn't already given out the orders.

"No don't cancel the patrol... Its different this time." I saw her give Thamus an uneasy look before focusing back on me.

"Wait... What are you not telling me?" If this was just a normal firenix being awakened, I am sure Agnes wouldn't be this anxious.

"Carson... The obituary has lost all of its fire."I staggered back.

"What?!! No way! There are new firenix very often, but the obituary doesn't die out! You told me it was inexhaustible!!"

Every once in a while, someone stumbled upon an obituary., Someone in a desperate need to live and when the need was dire enough and the person was deserving enough, the obituary opened and gave out one of its fires. It was totally up to the fire to decide if the person was deserving enough to be consumed.

That was what happened over the centuries and even though our numbers had dwindled, there was a new firenix in every few years.

But not with our obituary, there hadn't been a new firenix for over a decade. The last were Shawn and I.

"I know Carson I know!! And that's why I am shook. This has never happened before, not that I know of."Agnes sighed.

I immediately felt guilty, I knew I shouldn't have screamed out at Agnes like that.

"Right... I am sorry, I just panicked.."

"Me too Carson. I think we need to go and find out what's going on, I already assigned Shawn with your patrol. I am afraid we are too late, because the obituary has been out of fire since yesterday."

"Wait what?! How come no one noticed?" I was genuinely surprised at that, since Agnes and everyone was peculiar with everything I am shocked they dint notice the obituary burn out.

"We were a bit preoccupied if you dint notice, there was a very heavy rainfall yesterday which continued overnight." Now I felt stupid. Of course they didn't notice it because of the rain.

The rain generally made our senses weak and though the Grand Master was more powerful than the rest of us, the rain tended to make matters complicated.

"Alright so when do we leave?"

"Right now..."Agnes couldn't complete what she was saying because of the sudden explosion. I am sure everyone felt it. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if the humans felt it too.

"What the hell was that?!" Thamus said with a shock written all over his face.

Kyle burst in the chamber. ''Carson, its Shawn, he..."

"Where!!!"I shouted.

"Near the lake, he was patrolling and..."

He didn't need to say anymore, I ran outside and on towards my patrolling area.

There I saw the whole area burned out, I staggered to a stop, wait... Shawn couldn't have done this, even if he did have an outburst his fire would have in no way destroyed this much of land.

I saw Shawn lying in the dust curled up with his wings outwards trying to protect him.

Oh no... his left wing was almost burnt up. I rushed to him," Shawn... what the hell mate you alright?!"

Shawn let out a grunt and tried to roll over, "Shit!!!! My wings" His eyes welled up with tears.

"Oh my god What happened here" I heard Agnes behind me.

"Who is that", Thamus said.

As my eyes snapped towards a girl lying not far from Shawn, her back turned towards us. I felt myself fill up with hatred so immense that I snapped towards her without knowing.

I felt a hand on my bicep, "Not now Carson, Shawn needs your help more." Thamus said looking into my eyes.

I looked at Shawn writhing there in pain, in one scoop I carried him and flew away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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