Hit the Pause Button

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The next few days were filled with trying to find a way to keep Annie safe and Annie took it all in stride. Something happened that triggered Annie's fight response. She was sick of taking a back seat and being stuck defenseless. That wasn't going to happen anymore. She was safe, happy, confident, and loved and she wasn't going to let that go.

The trio's house now had 24/7 surveillance, they had always had cameras but they had stepped it up a notch with increased guards and alarms. Annie told her doms she wanted to take self-defense classes so she had been working on that with a personal trainer. The band had released a statement that their tour was put off for a couple of weeks due to personal reasons so they could figure out a safe way for Annie to go with them.

The existence of this cult had never really been a secret. It was sort of like the mafia, though it may be known that it is there it can be hard to stop. Despite this several agents were stepping up the fight to help protect Annie and the other band members. Rori and Sam the other subs involved with the band had gotten threats that showed the cult had eyes on them as well. Matt had stepped up since he didn't have a sub to protect and had taken on a lot of press conferences about the other band members' absences.

Becca and Mark were often around the trio's house trying to come up with different solutions. Myles hadn't been back since the initial day since he still needed to be around the cult to keep up appearances. Though Annie had come to understand him she was glad he wasn't around all that much since he brought up many unwanted memories.

Annie had taken everything in stride and refused to back down from any of the challenges that stood in the way. This meant she worked a lot on researching the cult as well as writing down as much as she could remember from when she was there. She had learned about several other people who had gotten out and heard their stories. All this caused her to relive a lot of past memories. Her doms constantly watched her to make sure that she wasn't overdoing it or getting too close to having a panic attack.

The stress was hard on all of them. They grew stronger and closer through it all though as they continued to learn more about each other. That didn' mean they didn't need some...relaxation.

Jace and Grayson came up behind Annie who was reading some article they were sure was related to what was going on. Jace let out a little cough and Annie spun around.

"So I was reading this an-" Annie stopped mid-sentence when she looked at her doms in front of her. Jace held a collar in one hand and a leash in the other. Grayson held a length of rope. Annie's eyes got bigger and she felt excitement creeping through her. Everything had been so serious with the trio for so long. This was exactly what she needed.

She must have taken too long to fully react though because Jace let out another cough and gave a pointed look to the ground. Annie quickly dropped to her knees and looked down at the ground while raising her wrists with her hands clasped to offer them to her doms.

Grayson stepped forward and began to bind her wrists together. The intricate ties that he loved to practice on Annie going all the way up to her elbows fully binding her in rope. Annie peeked a glance at him while he worked because she loved the concentration he showed on his face. He caught her looking and gave her a smirk and a wink before putting a hand on top of her head to make her look back at the ground.

"Be good" was his only comment.

When he finished Annie lowered her wrists and waited as Jace stepped forward. He put his two fingers under her chin and made her look up at him. She gazed at her dom with wide and excited eyes wondering what was to come next. He took the collar he had in his hand and snapped it around her neck. Annie loved it when she wore a collar, for them, it wasn't really a sign of ownership since she had the bracelet from when she first came, for them it was just another toy. The collar was just tight enough so that it pressed lightly into Annie's neck giving her a constant reminder that she was there to serve. It nearly always snapped her into subspace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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