please read this

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hey everyone Sparinghades here I know you have been wanting another story and I'll get around to that but right now I'm worried the company webnovel, also known as Qidian, has just messaged me inviting me to publish on their platform. I've done my research and honestly I thought about joining when I found out that I could make some money by writing my books and publishing them on their webnovel site but i've found out that webnovel is not a place you want to go too it's absolute crap

a person wrote about this company on outline and im shocked that a company like this exists

Why Do People Hate Qidian Webnovel?WHATSAWHIZZER APRIL 27, 2019

It's well-established among the original novel/translating community that is the worst. Webnovel, also known as Qidian, also known as Inkstone, is a book-reading powerhouse website that focuses on being the greediest sons of bitches they can be... cough... I mean, I'm getting ahead of myself here. In general, is just a place where webnovels can be hosted. It's very user-friendly for readers, with a superb app that functions very well and reliably on phones. It's easy to compile a list of reads, to know when those reads have been recently updated, and to follow along your favorite story.

Some of their novels are translations, mostly done by fans, while Inkstone is the platform that they use to release original novels written by authors directly. They have a strong focus on "eastern" novels, specifically of the Chinese variety. These novels are known for their often extremely lengthy sizes. Many volumes are written per word and exceed a thousand chapters regularly. This continued dripfeed of chapters helps build a constantly growing universe which is very attractive to many readers who want to get immersed into something which may start out small, but expands in depth until it covers an entire world, or sometimes many worlds.

However, I'm not here to talk about eastern novels, I'm here to talk about Qidian, the reading platform, which is... just the worst. Qidian is a place that potentially hosts many of your favorite novels. There are thousands of authors on the site, with hundreds of thousands of web novels to read, either translated or original. So... if they bring so much content that we enjoy, why are they hated so much?

I can really only tell you my own personal experiences and frustrations with Qidian. Through that, perhaps, I can give you an idea of why people dislike this company and their business practices. At the moment, five of my novels are currently on Qidian. Only half of those novels are actually hosted by me. You see when it comes to they lack any oversight. They think nothing of plagiarism, and will host content anyone gives them... which means you can find a niche story you like, copy it, post it on Qidian, and Qidian doesn't give a shit about things like copyright or human decency.

My biggest novel which was stolen wholesale from me was World of Women, which someone decided to copy and paste on Qidian. If you've wondered why I hide half my work behind patreon, copy protect my site, and prevent you from right clicking... that's why. Okay... so fine... webnovel doesn't put any oversight over their novels. They can't control people, right? If someone goes forward and posts a story they don't own... and then tries to collect money for said story, Qidian can't be expected to check everything, right?

In fact, webnovel has a means of allowing you to contact them and report copyright infringement. This is what I did... nine months ago. To this day, my novel still sits on their site. I even contacted them regarding a different issue, and, during that issue, I mentioned my story was being infringed... only for the guy to stop emailing me. At this point and time, I've had my lawyer write a cease and desist and sent it to them. And at least at the moment I'm writing this two weeks after that happened, the novel is still up. That novel to date has received 400k views, by the way. Nearly ½ a million views of my story went to this other author... who hasn't been banned in the slightest despite dozens of abuse reports. If you want to know why World of Women, NTR, and Enslaved are Patreon-only, feel free to blame the source, ViTaLynus. However, this blog also isn't about shitty people, but themselves. Simply put, Webnovel does not care.

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