Conversations Chapter 2

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Rydel's POV~

Last night Riker told us about Ross's letter. I feel the guilt sink in slowly. I was up all night thinking about the distance between us and the fact that I had to be so cruel. Unfortunately, you can't take back time and you have to learn to cope with the past and push through the present to live out the future.
I feel now. I guess what we didn't realize Ross went through a lot more than what was said out loud or put in a letter.
He used to be happy and smiling. Then one day something happened. The skies turned grey and everything went black because he has never been the same since.
Well here's what happened. Long story short. Exactly 9 years ago he was walking through the park and he got beat up by some drunk teens and something could of clicked in his head. I just assumed he was okay but we were worried he got messed up mentally or something because he didn't talk about it to anyone.
We only know because Rocky found him getting jumped on his way home from the store. He broke up the fight and brought Ross home.
Since then he was shut down. Everything just stopped and happened in a slow motion dance of a black and white masquerade.
Then one day he just disappeared, like he was never there in the first place. I always felt  like he was running away from something more than just problems.
Like he was running from somebody or something.
I had spent time trying to find clues but eventually gave up. My stupid theories came to rest.

I snap out of my thoughts when Riker speaks up, "Well if the song is called "'Maps" looks so important then I guess we are suppose to find clues inside the song lyrics or lines like they will lead us somewhere." He explains.
We are discussing the letter around the kitchen table.

"Oh!" I say excitedly getting an idea. All their heads snap to my direction. There are 10 eyes looking at me in anticipation asking me to keep going.
"Well, remember the teens that beat him up a few years ago?" I ask as they all nod." Well what if those kids threatened him to do something and tried to come after him and he had to run away?" I say trying to get us somewhere.

"No I don't think so," my mom says," because by how wasted Ross said they where their is no way the remeberd that so I'd say cross that off the list."

I just nod. She's probably right. I sit back in chair. Why did it take us this long to go after him? Why are just trying now? We could of saved him all those years ago... I think to myself.

Yes we have a list of different theories of what to do and are slowly going through discussing and crossing them out as we go along. I cross that one out and say "Look at the next theory and everyone after that they are all really stupid and I don't think they are right. I mean really who put tree burgers? Their is a deeper meaning something that really told him he had to go."

"THATS IT!!!" Riker says," I heard this quote once that said a person will forget what you said and a person will forget what you did but a person will never forget how you made them feel. We left the wrong mark. He tried to reach out and we just pushed him away. Not out of hatered or love but out of fear. You see we where afraid that he would hurt us if we tried talking to him after the beating. So we ignored him. When really all he wanted was love or someone to care about him or listen to him for once. By us ignoring him we cause him to think that we hated him and stuff. Nobody wants to feel unwanted by their family so we simply set out to find that." He finshes.

It's quite for a minute probably because we are letting it sink in. I start to really think this through. I mean if they say you can't run away from your problems because they will always be right where you left them. One day they come around and hit you straight in the face. Like there is no way out. But he found his way out or had too.

"Maybe we shouldn't go after Ross. he leave to get away from us and if he's happy now why should we go ruin that. I enable hasn't smilied in years." Rocky says

"Wait how do you know he's happy?" I ask wondering the same thing as everybody else. How in the name of cheese does know this!

"Do you look at the social media?" He says in an anyoing duh tone. Then it clicks and I open up my instagram and go to Ross's Page. I see pictures of him. happy. Free. Relaxed. Smiling. Not a care in the world. Settled. Figured out. Just being himself. I see a comment he wrote under a recent photo of the sunset. It says:

Then sun will fades with the day but transforms into stars. Like love, it never fades but it hides from you for a few hours until it shine again.

That's beautiful. The tears run down my checks, I've never seen him so happy and free. I sometimes I wish I could just run up to my little brother and hug him tight. Tell him how sorry I was for everything. But I can't because he's not here like he should be.

"I say we go get that song and letter go try to and find our little brother because family is worth fighting for!!! I state with confidence. Everyone nods in agreement.
I leave the table and go up to Ross's room and look around again.
Ross's POV~

I wake up to the sun blinding me face. I just lay there enjoying the peace becua eu have nothing better to do. That's the great part about this you never have anything to do. Well some days I do. I work part time a music store down the street from my house. I love it there. Especially when I get to close up shop and all the customers and emplyoes leave and I can just mess around and play the insturments until I have to go. I realize that I have to get up an and go to work before my boss kills me. I'm also super excited because I have a meeting with a big time recorded holder to back I to the biz like the old days.

I get up, shower, and. Eat breakfast but before I levave as I grab my keys I see something that catches my eye. It's a picture of my family. I Smile at the sight. I wonder what thhrya re doing now. I have hope that hey will one day find me ,but that's just nonsess. I put down the photo and leave the house


I'll update soon :-)

Hailey ✌️😘

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