1. Roleplaying about suicide/suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any other mental illnesses is strictly forbidden. This is meant to be a light-hearted roleplay for people to have fun with, not something that could become triggering.
2. Obscene and violent content is not allowed, whether it be in private messages or other forms. If you receive anything relating to this, please inform us of the situation and we will evaluate the next best course of action. (You can take screenshots as evidence.)
3. No smut. PDA is okay however if it remains appropriate for an 11 year-old to view. If something inappropriate happens on a message board, that person could be banned from the roleplay.
4. Cursing is allowed for characters, but please try to keep it to a minimum. Password: Stars. Only curse if it's in line with your character. However, using cuss words for arguing against someone is off limits.
5. Bullying is not tolerated in any form unless it's within roleplaying. In that case, you are to keep controlled. You should also inform the person that you are going to be roleplaying with, as well as our admin, about your character choice.
6. If someone wants to join the roleplay and we don't respond within a day, tell them to read the rules book and to message this account privately.
7. All members of this roleplay are considered friends in some way, even if the characters had conflicts with each other originally.
8. If you are leaving the RP group or changing your username, you must inform an admin to this account. (Note: If we are unable to find you, your character slot will be put as an available slot.)
9. This is an LGBTQ+ safe space. We will not tolerate hate-speech or homophobia of any kind.
10. For the admins and whoever has the password to this account: If the password changed, please inform this account. (Admins, please post it on the message server to inform others quicker.) If you want to give someone else the password, we must all agree.
Questions about the rules?
Ask here.
Must-read: Roleplay Rules and Signup!
DiversosYou must read this book before signing up for the roleplay. The form is at the end of the book! *Some OC's are allowed. Read for more details* Welcome to PJO Official