Hopeless Romantic

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Marinette/Ladybug’s POV

“Tikki, is this all worth it?” I asked my kwami. “I mean, Adrien’s never acknowledged anything I’ve done earlier. It’s been three years for Goodness sake! But yet there’s no progress. It could only mean that he likes someone else! And then this new crush on Chat...ugh, I don't know what to do anymore!”

Even after three whole years of pining after Adrien, there was no progress. I can never confess my true feelings to him. So, what’s the point to love someone who would never love me? 

I knew I had to let him go, for I did have an idea that he loved someone else, but that didn’t mean I was ready for it. I have been unconsciously avoiding Adrien for some time now. 

You can’t let go of your feelings if you fall for them harder.

And then there was Chat, I don't even know how it happened, but I couldn't get that stupid cat out of my mind. I found myself laughing at his silly puns, his flirtatious nature...okay, yeah, I really like him too.

I knew I had to get this off my mind, holding things in never works, and I've learnt that the hard way.

I called out to Tikki so that I could transform and head out. I swung by the nearest building as the cool air begin to whip around my head. I felt refreshed but my heart was still heavy. 

I swung up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, my favourite spot in Paris. I looked down at the city, the city of happiness, the city of love. 

I felt tears pricking in my eyes. Why was I such a coward when it comes to my feelings? Why can I never express them? I leaned on the railing as I let the tears fall. 

Being caught up in my emotions, I was startled by a thump on the platform behind me and my head whipped around. 

With teary eyes, I saw Chat looking back at me, wide-eyed, as he whispered. 

“M’lady! You’re crying!” 

Adrien/Chat Noir’s POV

“Ladybug, what’s wrong?” I softly asked her as I wrapped my arms around her shoulder, steadying her. 

“Ladybug, please calm down,” I whispered again, as I saw how uncontrollably she was sobbing. I spun her around in my arms, tilted her head up so she could see me and slowly wiped away all the tears. 

I had never seen this side of Ladybug, even after fighting beside her for three years. Sure, there had been times when she was down, and insecure about her capabilities, but I had never seen her this vulnerable. 

“Please answer me, Bugaboo,” I whispered again, seeing how she had calmed down. 

“I’m sorry Chat..I’m so sorry!” She replied. 

"You don't have to be sorry, Bugaboo!" I quickly stated. 

But she didn't let me finish, "No Chat. I'm so sorry. For always ignoring you. You were always there for me, to love me, even when I loved another. I know what it feels like to not be loved by the one person who means the most to you. I'm so sorry!" With that, she flung her arms around me as tightly as she could and I returned by engulfing her in my warmth.

"Don't talk like that, Ladybug. You can't make your heart belong to someone you don't love." I replied slowly, almost afraid to say it. 

Ladybug stiffened in my arms and then looked up at me again. "Thank you, Minou." 

She smiled, wiping her tears. That dazzling smile of hers that could make anyone weak in the knees and a grin lit up my face.

But it was her next action that surprised me the most. She cupped my face and slowly pressed her lips on my cheek. My face heated up as I felt her warm, soft lips on my skin. 

She pulled back, and I immediately missed her warmth. I wanted nothing more than to kiss the living daylights out of her, but she was in no state to do so, and I had to control my undeniable urge.

"You know, you still didn't tell me what happened." I started with a small smile. 

She looked back at me, a small frown visible on her lips. "You don't have to answer if…" 

But she cut me off again. "It's nothing much, really. But...I was so tired of holding it in. I've loved that boy for so long but he never knew. Underneath the mask, I'm just a normal girl. I have fears and insecurities...I guess the mask covers that aspect of me, most of the times anyway. I'm not strong without the mask, I tumble down. I guess...I was just tired of pining after someone who won't love me back." She explained. 

"I know the feeling too. It's the feeling of helplessness. Like you're falling with no one to catch you…" I told her. 

She had stepped away from me and was now leaning on the railing again. "Thank you, Chat. I don't know what I'd do without you." 

"You'll always have me, M'lady," I responded and joined her on the railing.

"Chat...was it hard for you? Knowing that I love someone else?" She asked softly. 

I smiled widely as I replied, "Well, it did hurt knowing you were loving someone else. But I guess you could say, I had always known you were the one for me. And my heart just wouldn't let go. For it knew what my mind didn't." 

She seemed a bit taken aback, and she muttered, "I wanna ask you something…" 

She didn't think I heard because when I motioned for her to go on, she seemed surprised. 

But nonetheless continued, "Chat, do you ever see us together?" 

Now it was my turn to be surprised. But I replied, "Of course, Bugaboo. You know that. I'm just a hopeless romantic waiting for a miracle." 

Ladybug looked at me again and interlaced her hand through mine. Then coming close to my face, she whispered, "I hope this would make up for the years of hopelessness." 

And then she kissed me, and I kissed her back, wordlessly telling her how much she means to me. Her lips gently moved with mine, and it sent tingles down my spine when her hand reached my hair.

I couldn't control myself, and a deep purr erupted from my throat but was muffled by her lips locking on mine again. 

When we finally pulled back, both our faces flushed, and lips kiss-bruised, I grinned as I pecked her lips. 

We pulled away from each other, somewhat reluctantly, as her miraculous beeped.

Before swinging away with her yoyo, she turned towards me and added with a wink, "I'll see you tonight, Hopeless Romantic!" 

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