Mother knows best

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2:39. Tick tick tick. Bum had been left in bed as sangwoo ran out saying he had to run errands. 3 hours now and bum couldn't help but feel worried. Why was this clock so loud ? Atleast he couldn't wallow in his worries over the sound of it ticking. It was too much sitting in silence that made bum finally get off the bed and peer outside the door. Silence. The house looked empty. Perhaps sangwoo hadn't gotten back yet. This meant he could finally explore. He limped down the stairs , ankles still swollen, and looked around the downstairs rooms. Nothing was locked or hidden away. Weird. Bum had half expected atleast one of these rooms to have been filled with corpses or murder weapons. He approached the last room down the corridor, the door was left ajar, and heard the sound of someone sobbing. Was it someone else sangwoo had slept with ? Filled with jealousy , bum walked into the dimly lit room only to see Sangwoo himself , on the floor , crying ... into a pillow. His hands were bleeding like he'd slit them himself. A knife lay on the floor beside him and he turned to look at Bum , standing there looking in horror.
"I-I didn't mean to come in here. I'm sorry. I'll go back to b-bed. Just forget I came-"
Bum was taken aback. "W-who? Who s-said that?" He was able to ask once he found the courage but sangwoo was was already gesturing him to come closer. Bum followed and lay on sangwoos chest feeling his staggered breath on his face as he wiped back tears with his blood stained palms leaving his face covered in blood and tears.
"S-sangwoo" bum wiped a tear "who said that?"
Though choked up and unable to breathe , sangwoo replied
"my mother"

 "S-sangwoo" bum wiped a tear "who said that?"Though choked up and unable to breathe , sangwoo replied"my mother"

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