Chapter 23 - Flight

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"Y/N. We're here." Changmin woke up the sleeping kid making his eyes slowly open. He looked to the window showing the dark sky. Not even the sun has showed up yet because they arrived before dawn.

"Ngh... 5 more minutes..." He said lazily.

"Ya. The crew are already waiting for us. Come now." He insisted.

"You're just excited because we're going to the place you always wanted to go."

"Come on out before i whoop your-"

"Okay...." He grumbled as he got off the van with a few people walking by with their luggages.

"Where're they?" Y/N asked as he opened his phone to see a text came in from Yuri.

I'm still on my way. Have you arrived yet?

Y/N typed in his message as he follows his hyung from behind. He was too focused on his phone that he didn't notice someone across of him walking in his direction making them bump into each other resulting in Y/N's phone almost dropped.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry." Y/N said immediately as he bent down to grab his phone. He checked his screen to see if it was cracked. He let out a sigh of relief as it turns out didn't.

"Oh, It's okay. I'm the one who sho-" The girl stopped as she looked at Y/N who is still checking his phone.


Y/N shot his head up looking at the girl who just called her name, only made him in awe.

Y/N shot his head up looking at the girl who just called her name, only made him in awe

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"H-Heejin...." Y/N said lowly as a smile almost crept up on her face, as she quickly hid it.

"It, It is you.... long time no see..." She said.

"Yeah... haha... since high school, right?"

"M-Mm....." The atmosphere was awkward between the two of them as they stood there  not uttering a single word out.

"So... are you going somewhere?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah. I'm gonna go on some show where i won the prize."

"That sounds great! I need to go now, my parents are probably waiting for me. See you!" She waved to him cheerfully before Y/N said goodbye to her. He knew she was forcing it since the smile wasn't the same one he used to look at.

"Who was that Y/N?" His manager asked.

"Just some old friend. Don't tell anyone about this, okay hyung?" Changmin got the bro code Y/N was sending as he gestured that his mouth was shut.

After arriving at the set, Y/N prepares himself for the show as they were now waiting for Yuri who has just arrived.

After arriving at the set, Y/N prepares himself for the show as they were now waiting for Yuri who has just arrived

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"Do i look good?" Yuri asked as soon as she arrived at the set greeting the crew and such. Y/N nodded in agreement as Yuri prepares herself with the mic and all that.

Time skip

"Annyeongaseyo! I'm Kim Y/N from Stray Kids-"

"And I'm Jo Yuri from IZ*ONE!!"

The both of them went into their cheerful mode and started the opening segment for the special episode.

"Finally, the day has come hasn't it Yuri-ah?"

"Oh? Not Yuri-ssi?"

"I'll drop fhe formalities for the sake of the show."

The whole crew had a smile on their face filming the cute couple on the scene as they were getting ready to take their flight in a few minutes.

Each of them were then given cameras that they could hold on to themselves as they walked from the waiting room to the gate. They greeted the flight attendants cheerfully as they sat at their comfy seats with enough space so that it won't be cramped.

They showed preparations as what they would usually do inside the plane while waiting for arrival. This flight is special since it would take longer hours than they usually took, so they would have to do something to fill in during the time.

"What should we do oppa?" Yuri asked as she got her camera down and gave it to the crew.

"I don't know. We still have another hour or two until out next segment right?" Y/N asked as he gave his camera as well.

"This will be a long~ flight oppa. Should we just talk then?"

"Sure. So, tell me about the secret story." Y/N asked with a grin on his face.

"What story?" She asked him.

"You know.... the animal..." Yuri then giggled after getting what he meant by it.

"Ya. Then tell me, what is the menu?" She fired back making Y/N chuckle as well.

"I don't know. I just sang it, that's all." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Me too. I just sang it." Yuri followed his gestures by shrugging hers as well making Y/N a bit annoyed, but also loving her attitude.


"Uhh..... PD-nim? I think we might have a problem here." The writer said to the PD who's doing a rundown on the schedule.

"It seems like we have an intruder on this flight."

"Intruder? What do you mean?"

"I mean. There's a..... sasaeng~"

The PD just raised his eyebrows looking like as if he has handled the situation countless of times. He calmly told the writer.

"Tell the security from our team to go to the toilet every 5 minutes to look for any suspicious activities from the other passengers. They'll know what to do." The writer nodded as she walked back to her seat notifying the security who is behind her seat.


"Oppa? You don't look too well. Is something wrong?" Yuri asked as she looked at Y/N who's been dozing off once in a while for these past few minutes.

"Eh? Yeah... i feel sleepy now. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Aish.... and to think that you were the one who told me to sleep early. Not that i did though."

"You didn't? I thought i told you to do so, Yuri-ssi." Y/N said.

"I know. But i guess i was just too excited about coming to Austria with you that i didn't get enough sleep." Her reason was more than enough to make Y/N's face flush slightly.

"I guess we're both the same. The thought of going to such place is already making me haply enough. But also going with you? It only made me more ecstatic to the point that i didn't feel like i slept a wink."

"Watch out oppa. You have that conditions of yours as well." Yuri warned him.

"I will, you worrysome hamster." He messed her hair making her whimper.

"Let's get some sleep then." Y/N then patted his shoulder telling Yuri to sleep on his shoulder making her scoff at him jokingly.

"It's comfy~" He teased. Yuri glared at him for a while before then deciding to give in and sleep at his shoulder. Y/N then leaned his head as well towards hers as they slowly went to the dreamland.

"Good night, Yuri-ah."

"Good night, Y/N-oppa."

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