Kakashi x reader "Behind the mask"

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Hey guys this is my first story. Sorry for any bad grammar or anything. I think this is just gonna be a one shot. I've also decided that in this story you and your teammates will be about 18 and Kakashi and Iruka with be around 25.  Hope you enjoy! Please give me any feedback so I can improve the story


     You slam your fist down on your alarm clock shattering it immediately. 'Oops.' you think to yourself as you sit up in your dimly lit room. You've lived alone for now for many years. When you were small your parents dropped you off at the entrance to the leaf village, never to be heard from again. Your caretaker had died 6 years ago leaving you on your own. No matter though, you preferred being alone. Now you were a powerful Chunin who spent her days training and working at the Ramen shop in your spare time.
     You climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. Rubbing your eyes as you turned on the water, you thought about your day ahead. Your boss had been nice enough to give you the day off, seeing as how it was your birthday, and you only had training for a few hours in the morning with your sensei.
"Kakashi." You said while stepping into the hot water. Just saying his name sent shivers down your spine. Kakashi Hatake has been your Sensei for a few years now. Ever since you had met him at the age of 16 you had been fascinated by him. He radiated power and mystery. His beautiful silver hair and broad shoulders gave you butterflies. For two years you had been secretly pining over this mystery man. Not that all of him was a mystery. The two of you had actually become quite close over the years. He would visit you at the ramen shop many a night and stay chatting and eating until your shift was over. Then he would walk you home. You wondered if he did this out of pity for you. The thought angered you. You hated pity. Especially from Kakashi. Shaking those thoughts out of your head you quickly finished showering and stepped back into your bedroom to change into your training clothes.
'It's not like it matters what he thinks of me,' you thought as you put on your shoes. 'I'm just a kid compared to him anyways.'
You walked over to your mirror as you put your (h/l),(h/c) into a braid. You surveyed yourself in the mirror taking in your outfit.

 You surveyed yourself in the mirror taking in your outfit

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Your (e/c) sparkled as you smiled to yourself. You were proud of the muscles you had built due to hours and hours of training. Those muscles, paired with your perfect curves, made most of the men in the leave village drool. You didn't care about that though. You wanted to be seen as strong and powerful. Not a piece of eye candy.
As you exited your apartment you heard a familiar voice shouting your name. "(Y/n)!" Gai Sensei shouted. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY YOUTHFUL FRIEND!!"
"Thanks Gai," you said while smiling up at the funny man. "Wanna race me to the training grounds?"
"A CHALLENGE YOU SAY?? BUT OF COURSE!" Gai shouted enthusiastically.
With that, the two of you were off. Speeding through the village. You smiled as the wind whipped against your face, looking back to see Gai a few yards behind you. It was true that Gai was exceptionally fast. But you were faster. You sped up even more, trying to put as much distance between you and Gai as you could. Reaching the training grounds you skidded to a stop. A few moments later Gai sprinted up to you, panting in exhaustion.
"That she is." You heard a low voice behind you say, before a hand came to rest on your shoulder. You looked up to see Kakashi staring down at you. "If you don't mind Gai, (y/n) and I have a lot of training to get done this morning." Kakashi said.
Gai nodded and winked at you, before disappearing in a flash of smoke. Now it was just you and Kakashi. You realized his hand was still on your shoulder, and you could feel your cheeks heat up. Quickly moving away from him, you headed for the targets to begin practicing your aim. Pulling out 5 kunai, you spun around at lighting speed, hitting all the the targets perfectly as you spun. As you walked to go and retrieve your weapons you could feel a pair of eyes on you. Turning around you saw Kakashi leaning against a tree and looking at you over his book. You rolled your eyes at the pervy book before calling out to him.
"Hey pervert, let's spar." You said with a smirk on your face.
You could see him smile back even through his mask as he vanished and appeared right behind you.
'That damn mask.' You thought to your self as you started sparring. 'What is he hiding behind it?'
Seeing that you had lost your focus, Kakashi took the opportunity to land a blow to your stomach, sending you flying back into a tree. You quickly stood back up, cursing yourself for letting him get to you. Then a devious thought popped into your head. 'Forget about sparring, I'm gonna find out what's under that mask once and for all.'
You stood up grinning, and quickly lunged for Kakashi. You reached for his mask but he dodged you, not yet sure what you were planning for him. "If you want to win your going to have to try harder then that, (y/n)." Kakashi said in a teasing voice. You narrowed your eyes before lunging at him again, this time pinning him to the ground. When the dust had cleared you were straddling Kakashi's waist, his arms pinned under you legs.
"Ummm what are you doing?" Kakashi asked. And, 'was he blushing?' You thought to yourself. No, that was impossible. Why on earth would Kakashi be blushing. Shaking away your thoughts you grinned down at him. "HAH. I've finally done it. I'm finally gonna find out what's under that mask of yours." You gloated. Kakashi's eye widened. "THATS what this is about?" He asked.
Before you could answer Kakashi had flipped both of you over so now you were laying on the ground looking up at him. He had pinned your hands above you with one of his hands, while the other came up to poke you on the nose. "Nice try (y/n)." Kakashi said. "But you're gonna have to do a lot better then that."
You sighed, trying to squirm away from him, but his knees were on either side of your hips keeping you in place, and he was still holding your wrists above your head. "Pleaaaaaseeeeee Kakashi." You said giving him your best puppy eyes. "It's my birthday. Think of this as my present."
Kakashi laughed. "Why do you want to see my face so bad (y/n)? Are you curious to know if I'm as handsome as you think I am?"
Your breathe caught as you felt your face turn bright red. "W-what?" You said while trying to keep your composure. Kakashi laughed again.
"Oh come on (y/n). I know u like me. I know you've been hiding it for the past 2 years because you knew it was illegal. But hey, would you look at that, you're 18 today. I guess it's time to give you your present then." He said while looking down at you.
All you could manage to do was gulp and look up at him. "Close you eyes." You didn't even think twice before you obeyed him. Shutting your eyes you wondered what was gonna happen. Your thoughts were interrupted by a pair of soft lips meeting your own. Your eyes shot open to see Kakashi kissing you. 'WHAT. KAKASHI LIKES ME TOO!?!?' You internally screamed. You melted into his lips as your eyes fluttered shut again. All thoughts left your head as you felt Kakashi slide his tongue along your lips asking for entrance. You allowed him access and a small moan escaped you as he explored your mouth. When both of you were out of air, he pulled back, allowing you to see his face.
"Wow." You said softly before taking your hand and gently tracing along his lips and jawline. "Why do you hide this. It's so perfect." You said while still taking in his face.
Kakashi blushed at your words. "I guess I was just saving it for a very special someone." He said before leaning in and gently kissing you again. "Happy Birthday (y/n)."

(A/N): AHHHH tell my what u guys think. I'm sorry if it was short or just plain bad but if you have any suggestions please let me know! I had a lot of fun writing this so if you want an update please let me know. Thanks for reading!!

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