Third Person POV

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Before I know it, the day is over and it is time to head to Topangas to work on homework and get a snack. The strong smell of coffee, sugar, and milk provides another strong enough scent to cover up the scent of human blood. Which is why I love going there. But I know I will need to obtain some blood today in order to satisfy my craving before it gets too intense. Normal food can sustain a vampire. However, it will never be sufficient. And eventually, if I ignore it, my craving will make my body go on instinct, and who knows what kind of disaster that will lead to. I will have to leave by 5:00 pm in order to obtain the blood and have it digested before 7:00 am tomorrow, the time that I leave in order to pick up Riley. On days like these, I purposefully don't do my homework with Riley, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, and Smackle; because once I have had blood I have a ton of energy and what better way to use that energy at then to finish my homework. We arrive at Topangas at 3:00 pm and immediately take our preferred seats on the couches. Like clockwork, my mom brings us our snacks and while the others begin their homework, I begin to play Candy Crush on my phone.

"Maya, don't you think you should be doing your homework?" Asks Riley as she peers over my shoulder.

"Ah, I'll do it later." I say with a dismissive wave.

"But, Maya, if you do it now, you'll have time to do other things later." Say Farkle.

"I have no plans for later today, I'll be fine." I answer as my mom comes over to give us a refill on snacks. She glances over at me as she does. With a glance from me, she understands what I am trying to convey to her, and gives me an imperceptible nod.

"Come on Maya, if its because you don't understand the material and don't want to be embarrassed by it, we can help you." Says Lucas. The others nod in agreement.

"No thanks Ranger Rick. I just want to do it later." I reply before getting up an announcing that I have to go to the bathroom. I am only 14 years old, but my powers are starting to come in and one of them is the ability to read peoples minds. As I make my way to the bathroom, I decide to test this power.

When I focus on Farkle, his thought is saddening. "Well its her funeral if she doesn't want to do her homework. Smackle and Zay's thoughts are along the same lines. Lucas on the other hand, warms my heart. "I just want to help her. I hope she knows that she can come to me for anything." I mentally smile. He is such a Huckleberry.

Riley's thought just hurts. "How can Maya be so dumb. I know she struggles with homework, but a smart person would just ask for help." I frown. Has she always thought this of me? When I return from the bathroom, I continue to play candy crush on my phone. Eventually, it is time for me to leave. I don't have anything to pack up, so I make my way to bathroom in order to freshen up before it is time to leave. As I pass my mom, she sneaks the key into my pocket. 

When I am back at the couch, I grab my backpack and say, "Well I am out losers, see ya tomorrow", before turning to head towards the door. 

"Wait, Maya." Riley says. "What about your homework. I know you think I was not paying, but I was and I know you did not get any of your homework done."

I roll my eyes. "So?"

"So, don't you think you should do it before you do anything else."

I again roll my eyes. "I told you I would do it later."

"When is later? You said later 2 hours ago." I open my mouth to respond. But Riley isn't done. She says, "No wonder you're failing. If you refuse to do the homework, you will fail."

"Riley, I am just not in the mood to do my homework right now. I'll do it later." I say.

"No, Maya. I care about..." I zone out as she begins to go into rant mode. You see, once the craving starts, it will not go away until it is fulfilled. Depending on when the craving starts, if you do not fulfill the craving within 8 hours, your attention span will begin to waine. And before, you know, it will be solely instinct, until the craving is satisfied. It's been almost 8 hours. "Maaayyyaaa. Maayaa. Maya. MAYA!" Riley finally shouts, redirecting my attention back to her. My eyes are wide and if my heart were functioning, it would be pounding in my chest out of anxiety. I realized what was going on and based off of the expression on my mom's face, so did she. 

"Maya, you are so lazy, useless, and ungrateful. Everything my family has done for you, and you do not even have the common courtesy to even try and do well." Riley finally shouts. This definitely got my attention. My eyes trained solely on her, my eyes and face clearly conveying my  hurt. 

"RILEY!" Everyone shouts. The expression on her face also conveys the remorse she felt for shouting those words out. "Maya-", she says. But before she can continue, I turn around and exit out the door, too angry, hurt, and hungry to even say one word to her. While, I still have control over my instincts, I get to a dark ally way before using my powers to quickly transport me home.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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