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"Ma" I yelled walking in and heading to the kitchen only to be hit with a spatula

'stop yelling in my house boy' she mouthed

"Okay I'll see you there" she giggled, Oh naw

"Who was that" I said when she hung up

"I cant remember" I dont know what was up with her and grandma but I was gonna find out

"Must be going crazy"

She stared at me for a minute "Why are you here"

"I can't stop by to see my mother?"

"Of course you can, you can also set the table" I groaned

"I wasn't gonna stay long Ma, Is Ciara here"

"Upstairs" I went to go upstairs but she stopped me "Aht after you set the table"

I walked over to the cabinet and set out 4 plates " Are the twins coming"

"No, but put out five" I eyed her but continued to do what I was told

"Hey drug dealer" I turned to see my favorite little cousin CiCi
"Hello dick sucker" I replied making her glare at me
"I can't stand you"

"Your more than welcome to take a seat" I chuckled

"Can you take me to Walmart" she asked

"Auntieeeee" she screamed

"Fine, damn bring your ass"

"Okay" she squealed

I wanted to make this trip quick so I headed outside to my car

Five minutes later she came outside in some small ass shorts

She pulled on the door handle "Go change"

"No the fuck"she said

"Okay" I pretended as I was going to leave  by shifting gears "Okaay Okaay I'm going"  "I thought so" I mumbled

She turned and walked back in the house eventually coming back out in sweatpants

"Much better" I sighed happily in a sarcastic tone

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