10. Hotel

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'Why do you still give me that look?' I asked. Sunstreaker turned his head away from me. 'I don't like it, you're bleeding,' he scowled. 'Well, perhaps you should stop because I am really getting agitated,' I snapped. It didn't really bother him whether I am mad or not, but at least I told him my point of view. 'Why don't you go find my twin? He's downstairs in the lobby,' the mech said. 'Yeah, I think I will do that,' I snapped and left, slamming the door shut behind me. I took the elevator and caught up with Sideswipe. 'Hey...' he smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my waist. 'You're okay?' I nodded and leaned into him. 'Your brother is working on my nerves... he's uh... mad, I don't know.'

Sideswipe shook his head. 'Sunny isn't mad. He's just complicated and an afthole sometimes. Don't take it personally,' he said and flashed me a warm smile. I nodded and looked around. 'I think we might need to mess up our plans. I got an urgent call from Ironhide. Apparently they have located me and Sunny.' I sat down on a bench with him. 'Why?' I asked quietly. Sideswipe told me a lot of stories during our two hour trip to this hotel. He couldn't stop talking. I love to listen to him, about his team and his planet. He just never mentioned his parents. 'Decepticons are the main reason. Ironhide wasn't particularly nice to me and he said that he would come for me himself if I didn't get on the plane. They will send a plane to the nearby airport,' he said.

'Sunstreaker is not going to like it.' Sideswipe shook his head. 'No, he's not, but you don't have to tell him,' he said and flashed me a weak smile. 'He's still cranky.' Sideswipe shrugged and kissed the side of my head. 'Somewhere in his stone cold spark, he does like you and if he cares for you and your safety, he will get on the plane,' Sideswipe stated. 'Have you told them about me?' Sideswipe shook his head. 'No, I haven't but I will. I was scared to tell them because Ironhide was quite... aggressive. I didn't want to bring it up and risk my limbs getting ripped off. I will tell them... some time soon. Don't worry about it.'

I nodded and got up. We headed back upstairs where Sunstreaker was being his cranky self, still not giving me a glance. 'Sunstreaker, we need to talk,' Sideswipe said, clapping his hands together. 'I told you before that the femme will not ride with me, okay? Just forget about it,' Sunstreaker snapped. 'Ironhide called.' Sunstreaker sat up, 'what?' Sideswipe shrugged. 'They have located us... it doesn't matter how, probably that stupid spy but we are told to come to the base in Washington DC. They said it was urgent and they need us,' Sideswipe. Sunstreaker got up. 'You didn't want to go back. You told me that. We have done a lot of things and this planet is giving us some of our freedom back. Why would we waste all that just to go straight back to our old habits?'

'Because I didn't know how serious it was until now. I don't like it either, I don't want to go back and I wish I could just leave everything behind but we can't and she is in danger as long as she's with us. If you do care, you come with me,' Sideswipe said. Sunstreaker glanced at me, 'You are telling me that, the femme is the reason I need to go back? I can just kill her and the problem is solved,' Sunstreaker snapped, grabbing his knife. I took a step back, hiding behind Sideswipe. 'Don't be like this, Sunstreaker. You know that this is important and you know... It's Prime. We can't really let him down. Especially not after all the things he has done for us,' Sideswipe stated. Sunstreaker turned away. 'Don't play that card, Sideswipe. Stop stirring up dust,' he snapped. 'Sunstreaker... please.' They started talking in Cybertronian, which I absolutely hate. I want to know what they are saying.

Sunstreaker sucked in a breath and looked at me for a moment. 'You know the rules... civilians are not allowed at any base. Not on Cybertron nor here and you know how strict Prowl is. He's going to murder me... us.' Sunstreaker gestured at himself and his twin. 'That's why he won't figure it out. At least, not yet until things are settled and everyone is relaxed. We can keep her a secret. I mean... how big of a deal will it be?' Sideswipe snorted, glancing at me. 'I thought you said you would tell them...' I trailed off. 'I said I would, but I didn't say when. I just needed to get my twin over the line because we can get in some serious trouble for this. Between us, the longer we wait, the more we bring you in danger. Before Cybertron fell, we learned about earth and we were told not to make any friends with humans because it will bring them in danger and my brother completely ignored that rule and decided to take you under his wing.'

Sunstreaker shot his twin a nasty glare. 'Which means that you are his responsibility,' he added. 'Of course it is. We need to sneak you onto the plane first and it's another reason why we shouldn't go back,' Sunstreaker scowled. 'Oh please, stop being a jerk for once. As soon as everything is settled we tell them or we just leave and continue our plans,' Sideswipe stated. 'It sounds like a bad idea either way,' I mumbled. 'Thank you for your trust,' Sideswipe scoffed. 'Just pointing out facts. They need you, you guys are an asset and I don't want to be the one to bring you guys in danger. I'll be fine.'

'Absolutely not!' They snapped in sync. 'We are not leaving you behind. We don't leave people behind, or Sideswipe doesn't. We just need to figure out how we are going to do this,' Sunstreaker said and sat down. 'There's a reason why we are called terror twins,' Sideswipe with a weak smirk. 'I feel like you are far worse than your brother,' I said. 'I push things too far sometimes but Sunstreaker can be really bad as well,' he laughed. Sunstreaker didn't comment and turned his head away. Sunstreaker sighed heavily before getting up, 'when does this damn plane leave?' he scowled. 'Tomorrow,' Sideswipe replied. 'Good.'

That night, I was curled up between the twins, stealing their body heat. I couldn't really sleep. I ran my hand through Sunny's hair. He's the reason my life turned upside down. Because of him, my life got better. I rubbed his cheek and kissed his forehead. He might be a complete jerk, but I don't ever want to lose him again. His icy blue eyes opened. 'Aren't you supposed to sleep?' he whispered. 'I can't sleep.' He hummed and gestured to me to be quiet before we hopped out of bed. He opened the door to the balcony and sat down, pulling me on his lap.

We stared at the stars. 'Something particular on your mind?' he asked quietly. 'No, just that you are the reason my life got better,' I said. He hummed and wrapped his arms around my waist. 'Were you really going to kill me?' I asked. He shrugged, 'you know... I was agitated but I don't have trouble hurting or killing a human,' he said honestly. I gave him a look, 'I probably wouldn't have killed you,' he snorted. 'No?' I asked. He shook his head and kissed my cheek. 'I just got you... it would be a shame to kill you,' he mocked. I hummed and leaned into his firm chest.

'Are you worried about going to the base?' he asked. 'No, but you are.' He rolled his eyes. 'I am not, just... curious how it will go, that's all.' I hummed and stared at the stars. 'Can we see Cybertron from here?' I asked. 'No, it's too far,' he murmured. I turned around straddling him and smiled. 'Thank you, for looking after me.' He shrugged again and brushed some hair behind my ear. 'I have to do something with my life and you didn't deserve to be treated like your family did,' he said quietly. 'You never talk about your past.' Sunstreaker snorted and shook hi shead. 'Primus no. My family... Sideswipe is my family and the only one I need. There's nothing to talk about.' I hummed and nuzzled in his neck. His hand got under my shirt, tracing my spine with his finger tips. I shuddered in delight while goosebumps started to form all over my arms.

'What was that?' he teased in my ear. A blush spread over my face. I sat back, 'you're beautiful, do you know that?' he asked. I blushed again, 'thank you,' I mumbled. 'And... you are handsome,' I said quietly. 'I know,' he purred. I chuckled and leaned into him again. Sunstreaker started to rub my back and it made me sleepy. 'Are you tired?' he asked. 'Absolutely not,' I muttered with closed eyes. I heard him snort and I was pretty sure he was rolling his eyes at me. 'Then I guess I'll just continue doing this until you fall asleep,' he said. 'I won't fall asleep. I am not tired,' I muttered. 'I bet.'

I listened to the strong beat of his spark. Steady and strong. It was so calming and relaxing. It brought me in a deeper state of relaxation. Before I knew it, I fell asleep in his arms under the stars.

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