Sev's intro!

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Hi anyone that reads this, I'm Severus but I normally by Sev. :)

So, there's not really much to know about me but I'll tell you some fun facts.

1. My main account is snapeisdramatic
2. I like rap and pop music
3. I read and write fanfictions-
4. I'm pretty emotional so don't get mad at me for no reason please-
5. I'm probably not as old as you think I am (no I'm not exposing my age yet)

The fandoms I'm in:
The Music Freaks
Harry Potter
A bit of Gravity Falls

My ships (This is only for TMF):
Liam x Stacy's mom (that's a joke-)
And there's a lot more but it would take to long to list them.

Yeah that's pretty much it, thanks for viewing my intro! :))

(PS go read my friend's fanfics aka the other people on this account, because they're really good writers)

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