Banana's Intro

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I'm BookishBanana Uh..... idk what to put here so just.....

I am a: Ravenclaw, Scorpio, Gachatuber, INFJ, Unistar, and a new fanfic writer.

I like: music, BT21, writing, books, purple, food

I do great in school, and I have six close friends.

I always loved writing so yea.

All my users are mostly BookishBanana

My OTP in this fandom is Smolliet and drew x xander. But my real otp is kang-bae and yeorin from mystic pop up bar on netflix

My roblox is BananaGachaGirl, and my wattpad is @BookishBanana13 yep....

I write Fanfics of anything I fan over

Fin. <3

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