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Harry woke to the sound of his phone ringing from the floor. He didn't want to move away from Louis but he rolled over and grabbed it. The sight of his dads name on the screen had him getting out of bed and running out into the hallway so he wouldn't wake Louis.

"Dad? How is everything? How's Mom?"

"Get here as fast as you can, Harry. She wants to see you."

"What's going on?"

"Just get here, Harry."

His dad hung up on him pushing Harry into getting dressed as fast as he could.

"Louis!" He yelled, "Louis, wake up!"

Louis yawned and slowly rolled over. He sat up instantly when he saw Harry rushing around his room, "What's going on?"

"I need to get to the hospital. My dad just called and said my mom wants to see me and it doesn't sound good. Can you get ahold of the others and see if they can meet us up there?"

Louis nodded and got out of bed, "Anything you need, angel."

Harry wasn't sure what day it was or what time it was. His schedule had gotten all fucked up and he wasn't in the right head space.

Louis: I need you all to get to the hospital. Harry and I are on the way now.

Liam: what's going on??

Louis: it sounded urgent so I need you all to fucking speed to get there. Harry is right now.

Niall: we're going to be there as soon as we can. tell harry we love him.

Zayn: be there shortly! tell harry to drive safe.

Louis put his phone down and looked over at Harry. It looked as if the younger boy was holding his breath. His knuckles were tight around the wheel and were turning right. Louis didn't even think he looked at the clothes he put on but he figured Harry didn't care. With a purple shirt, green shorts, and shoes without socks, Harry had ran out of the house with his hair flying every direction. Louis had struggled keeping up with him.

"Harry, I need you to breathe for me." He spoke.

Harry loosened his grip on the wheel and kept his eyes on the road, "Louis, I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired and I don't know what day it is. I'm going to lose my fucking mind."

"I won't let that happen. Your friends won't let that happen and your dad won't let that happen, Harry. You're not going to be alone, alright? Focus on now. Focus on your mom and everything will take care of itself in time."

"I don't know if I could do this without you, Louis. Fuck."

"You wouldn't have been alone. You would of had Niall and Liam if we never met."

Harry shook his head, "It's not the same. I love them with all my heart and I'm so thankful for them but it's nothing like what I have with you. I'm so fucking thankful for you, Louis."

Louis gently squeezed Harry's knee, "We can talk about how amazing I am later."

Harry actually laughed, "You fucking asshole."

Louis grinned and looked back out the window at the world that was racing by. He was trying to be strong for Harry but inside the memories of his own parents were playing and it was getting hard to pause them for a bit. He didn't want this to be about him. He had to focus on Harry. He could relive his own pain later.

Harry had barely parked the car when he got out and started running up to the door. The others were already there and moved out of the way before Harry ran them over.

Jealous Of The Rain. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now