I hate you. I know.

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I was quite frankly tired of Q's shenanigans. The initial novelty of Q had worn off by the second visit. Even with interest in Q being long since gone, I couldn't help but think of him. Thinking of him wasn't helpful or pleasant, in fact it was rather irritating. It was getting harder and harder to forgot him when he was around so much.  Even now when everything's on the verge of collapsing, I was think about him.

As I rushed down the hall to engineering I collided with somebody. I moved back and was about to apologize before I saw who it was. Q stood there was a smug grin. Not now, why now of all times? He was always appearing at random times nowadays, but they normally weren't this poorly timed. "Have you been thinking of me, mon capitaine?" He hummed, I didn't need this right now.

I tried to walk around him but Q grabbed my collar, pulling me back and letting go. I fell on the ground, it would be so easy just to stay here."Are you not going to get up and save the ship, captain?" Q looked almost concerned, he lightly hit me in the ribs with his foot. I got up and started running to engineering. I couldn't just give up, giving up would mean letting everyone die not just me.

When I got there it was too late, we didn't have enough time. There was no possible way we could save ourselves. I braced for the ship to be destroyed. "You know posing like that wouldn't keep you alive." I stood up and glanced around, it was all white. There was nothing here but endless white nothing. "Where is the ship, Q‽Tell me!" I demanded, but I knew I wasn't going to get an answer.

"All in good time." Q patted my head, making me recoil. He frowned at my reaction before quickly putting on a smile. "Now then, here's your script! I highlighted your lines, you're Leia." He handed me a small blue booklet with Star Wars printed on the front. Did he expect me to act? I didn't even know the play. I've heard it mentioned by a few of our crew before, but I never heard enough to know the plot.

I opened the script and read over my highlighted lines. Leia looks at Han and kisses him. "No! I'm not going to kiss someone just for your amusement, Q!" I shouted. I normally wouldn't shout at Q but I let my anger get the best of me. "So you don't want to save your ship?"
I shouldn't be surprised he'd do something like this, he always wants to be entertained. I glared at him for a few more seconds before looking back at the script. If this was the only way to save everyone I need to memorize my lines.


The white void shifted into a dark humid room. There were guards in white uniforms everywhere, I think the script referred to them as Stormtroopers. I noticed that I wasn't in my uniform but in fact in a white vest, long sleeves shirt, and pants. Did Q change me? When? Well at least I'm not in a dress. "You've had enough time to learn your lines. Now! Places everyone!"

Q never told me who I would be kissing, so I stayed still next to the large furry creature next to me. I'm not exactly sure what I was supposed to do and exactly who I was supposed to talk too. "Action!" Q was standing right in front of me.
The large furry creature made a loud noise, like it said in the script. Was I supposed to kiss Q? He was the only one in front of me. I couldn't do this, I couldn't kiss Q. If I didn't I'd let hundreds die, I can do this. Just breathe.

I pressed my lips against him, I tried to look everywhere but at Q. Luckily the white troopers pulled him away. He had a smug smile on his face, he was clearly enjoying this. What I had to say next made me want to vomit. I just need to take a breathe. "I love you." 3 words that I wouldn't mind saying to anyone but Q. Though this whole thing was just an act I knew Q was getting pleasure from it.

"I know." The platform Q was standing in lowered down. I closed my eyes not wanting too look at him anymore. That smile felt like a dagger, wasn't kissing him punishment enough?

I don't know if I should apologize or say you're welcome for this.

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