pep talk

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while paul watches xitlaly make sloppy joes he thinks to himself. if he wants to spend his life with her, he needs to eat these sloppy joes.

xitlaly finishes the food and sets it on the table for them. paul smiles and sits facing towards her.

suck it up and eat these
you're pathetic

he thanks xitlaly for the food and takes a bite. it tastes bad.

paul asks to go to the bathroom after two bites, he needs to have a pep-talk. he walks over to the room and closes the door. he points towards himself in the mirror and whispers to himself. "she already thinks you're gay, you can't make her think that you don't like sloppy joes either."

he washes his hands and heads back to xitlaly. with a smile on his face he sits down and speaks, thanking her again. "thank you, really." hopefully he sounds dominant while saying that.

"of course." xitlaly responds, "anything for you my pauly." she does a heart with her hands and giggles. "lol"

did she just say lol out loud

paul takes another bite and continues to eat. when he's eaten enough till he's full he speaks up to her. "so what are your thoughts on relationships, are you looking for anything?"

"i'm not sure what is best for me right now, but if you're asking if i like you, i do. you're so sexy."

paul blushes from the compliment. he is sexy. "thank you so much my laly, you are too."

now paul doesn't know what to do. does she want him?

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