Information About Hikaru

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Okayyyy...SOOO... this is mah first time putting information if my character SOOO if I make a mistake lets just say...*facepalm* whatever... Oh and the photo up there lets just say she has blue eyes :D

Name: Hikaru Kimura

Age: 16

Parents: Mother; Hana, Father: Orochi

Siblings: Aiko

Appearance: Black greyish long hair with curls at the end, Ice blue medium eyes.

Fav coulor: Black, white, grey.

Like: Dark places, quiet places, Less people, reading, wide spaces, black, gothic style clothes, Sleeping and little brother.
Dislike: Lots of light, loud noises, Interacting with people, small space, Annoying people, bullies (Only who bully her, she dosent care if others get bullied...she'd only stand up towards her friends), Talking a lot.

History: ???

Lineage: ???

The rest you will find out in thish book...

Thank u♡

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