Jealous!reader x kaneki

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You watch as kaneki was talking to Melody,the girl you hated since kindergarten.You saw as Melody made him laugh and you always wonder 'if she can make him laugh why can't i???'.Your face grew bright red when he kiss Melody cheeks.

Your head was filled with cuss word and you explode with anger.You kept on watching untiled what made you even shocking.Melody kiss kaneki and he didn't even pull away.

You punch the wall leaving a crack and walk pass them cussing to yourself which Melody heard and kanek too.Kaneki said "Hey! y/n!!".You turned around and yelled "What!".He gasp which made you stick your middle finger up and walk away angered.

•=At you guys house=•

You ate icecream really mad and said in a anger tone "This is good icecream!".You kept eating untiled Kaneki came in.You cross your arms and said "hmmp!".Kaneki sat mext to you and said "What's the hell is wrong?!".You look at him and said "YOU! is what's wrong!".He look very puzzled so you explain to him why you where mad at him.

"But I didn't even mean it!".He said yelling at you.You raise a eyebrow and said "So kissing her means you didn't mean it? You laugh at her joke when you dont laugh at mine! and kissed her cheeks?! means you never mean it!".He couldn't think of anything else to say and just sigh.You look at him and said "I thought you love me...but it was all a hoax".

He hug you and said "I'm sorry...".You heard him sniffing and felt his tears.You sigh and kissed his tears away.Than after kaneki said "Where cool?".You noded and smile.

*Extra bonus!*

Melody corps was every where.Her arms where missing,her legs where gone,her stomach rip open and her head was next to her.

Me: Hmm...Oh god xD


Like this one? I tried my very best on this xD
I made this story about a girl I remember name Melody.... xD

Kaneki x Reader: One-Shot {Request open}Where stories live. Discover now