🔥Shoto X Ingrid🔥 Vampire AU (🎉My B.Day!🎉)

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Guess what...
Today is my Birthday!!!!
As I mentioned before. I'll be making a oneshot for a Vampire AU. So there you are.

Word Count: 1051


POV: Narrator

It's a full moon night and the whole village was locked up inside their homes. Why? Because every night with a full moon, vampires and werewolves roam the too close to the village looking for someone unfortunate enough to get out.
And when they do catch someone, it's a full on meal for the monsters.

In the small village, there was a very unfortunate 16 year old. Someone who got abused by her parents every other day. Her name was Ingrid Royale. She always resisted her abusive parents. She was a very patient girl.
Yet today, the day of the full moon, she had had enough.

It just so came to happen that it was snowing the night too. Since Ingrid had to escape from her house very quickly, she forgot her coat inside.
She slowly opened the wooden door so she wouldn't wake her parents up. After closing the door, she got off the porch and headed towards the cold streets of Mistasfu Village.

Unlike the other villagers, Ingrid wasn't afraid of monsters or the full moon. She could care any less about getting killed since her life was already miserable.

Besides the fact that the night was actually quite dangerous for humans, the moon was very beautiful. It lighted up the little village oh so beautifully.
The white snow that fell was just as beautiful. Each flake was uniquely shaped and not two snowflakes matched the other one. The streets were covered in a untouched blanket of pure white snow.

It was cold, yes. But Ingrid could care any less. She absolutely loved the nighttime. It was so beautiful as the stars in the night sky shunned so brightly as is there are millions of fireflies flying over.
Fully knowing that if she stays in the village, her parents might find her, she decided to enter the dark forest.

When she entered the forest, everything became dark. The trees were standing so close to each other that it covered the sky, not letting the moonlight pass and light the forest.

She walked for a long time until she came to a stop in a clearing. There weren't many trees so the moon lit up the place. There were some mossy rocks that were taller then an average human. The outstanding place's beauty was complimented by a small pond in the middle covered by some tall grass and water lilies floated in the clear water. The water also reflected the moonlight so the whole place looked like it was glowing.

Ingrid thought. She went ahead and sat on one of the rocks near the pond. She sat there thinking about her life ahead.
'What will happened to me now. Where will I go? Where will I live? Will I die? I guess I will. But so what. I have nothing to live for anyway.'
She stood up and went towards the pond. Upon seeing her reflection, she smiled a bit. 'That's it.'

She got ready to jump in but stopped when she heard a twig snap. Ingrid quickly turned around to see who it was.
It was a person. No, it was a vampire. A male to be more accurate. He had heterochromatic eyes like hers and his hair was two colored; red and white which was neatly split from between.
The white haired girl stopped her suicide attempt and turned to the smirking vampire that stood before her.

"Well....what are you waiting for? Kill me already." She said to him in a rather sad tone. He shook his head. "No. I won't." Ingrid's eyes widened. "W-Why?"
"First do tell me. Why were you desperately trying to kill yourself?" Ingrid thought for a second but then finally decided to answer. "My life is a miserable one. My parents abuse me every chance they get. So I don't really have a reason to live any longer."

"I'm fully aware of that, Ingrid Royale." The dual haired vampire's smirked turned into a small smile.
'How?' Ingrid thought. "H-How do you k-know my name?" The poor girl asked in a terrified manner. The boy chuckled. "Isn't it obvious? I have observed you every single day." At this point, Ingrid thought she'd faint any minute. 'He was spying on me.....'

"Oh how rude of me. My name is Shoto Todoroki. But please, address me as Shoto."
Ingrid looked down. "What are you going to do to me, Shoto?" Shoto walked towards her. Now, he was so close that their noses might touch. "I'm going to make you feel so happy that you will completely forgot your pain." Ingrid got really confused. "How will you do that?" "You'll see."

One of Shoto's hands made its way down to Ingrid's waist, gently pulling her close. The other went under her chin and he made her face him. As Ingrid gazed into his heterochromatic eyes, Shoto's lips crashed with hers. Ingrid was confused by the sudden action but eventually kissed back.

Shoto licked his partner's lips, asking for entrance which Ingrid gladly gave. Shoto's tongue explored the new area. Ingrid on the other hand, moaned in pleasure. Soon, her legs gave out and she completely leaned on Shoto. At this point, Ingrid completely forgot all about her pain.

They broke the kiss in need for air. A trail of saliva trailed behind. Shoto caressed Ingrid's hair in a calming way. "Thank You, Shoto Todoroki." Her words brought a smile to Shoto's face. "It was nothing." "I was everything." Shoto chuckled and both of them settled on the soft grass.
Ingrid hugged her partner and buried her head into his chest. Shoto, of course, immediately hugged back.
"I love you, Ingrid." "I love you too, Shoto."

Then Shoto took her to his home and to his bed. You can just imagine what the rest of their night will be like. 😉


That's it. So? How was it? Cringe wasn't it.
Please comment. And I'm really, really, really bored so please tell me what scenarios should I make next. Thank for reading. I really appreciate it. Oh! And don't forget to vote.
Have a nice day.

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