Bad news

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Lillys POV

Everyone in the pack have been acting really weird the past few days and to be honest it's really starting to go to my head. I walk into the kitchen to find my guys and my boyfriend josh all sat there looking a bit nervous what the hell I really need to find out what's going on. they are starting to annoy me now, I walked up to them and sat on the stool next to the twins they just did a half smile, really what is up with them im gonna get to the bottom of this now!

"Look guys you are starting to do my heading what the hell is going on you have been acting all nervous around me for the past few days.I havent even been playing any practical jockes so what the hell is going on none of you are leaving until someone tells me NOW" I say to my guys.

They just sit there and open their mouths to speak but just close it by this time I am soo mad they look at me guilty before the twins look at each other and sigh.

"HELLOO are you guys gonna tell me or do I have to beat all yall up come on guys we never keep secrets whatever it is im sure it cant be that bad can it come on?!?!"

"Wearemovinginwithyouroldpackandhavetotrainthempleasedontbemad." Darren shouts.

what the hell I didn't get a word of that tell me again?

that's when Josh spoke up

"Lilly im am so sorry please understand I couldn't say no when they asked us, Sorry but your old pack have asked us the train them im sorry, please don't be mad. Hey you've changed a lot and you can show them not to mess with ya" Josh whispered


how could they do this they know what they put me through by this time I was pissed but my wolf was over joyed about seeing her mate again but me on the other hand was livid. After all they put me through I have to go back and train them .

"Lilly please don't be mad at us you have changed and your sexy, hot ,and a bad girl, Jayson said you will be training them so look on the bright side we can cause trouble ,you can make em pay by giving them the worst training sessions ever and we can make their life hell and show them you are not the same weak girl. you can show them how badass you are please forgive us" Alex said

His right yeah im mad that they didn't tell me before but I cant stay mad at the guys they are the ones that have been there for me .

"as long as I get to take my bike and if any of them come near me I will not be held responsible for my actions okay "I replied

Alex smiled at me

"lets go to jaysons office and tell him the news"alex said

I sighed "okay"

we walked up to Jayson office along the corridor and stopped at a huge brown door I didn't even bother knocking cause without wolf senses he will smell me anyway. Also I was still pissed that they didn't tell me before but hey they where only doing it to protect me so im cool.

I walked in and Jayson was sat at his desk looking through paper work

"Hell Lilly please don't be mad I tried to say no but they begged me saying we have the rare eternal life wolf heck they think your a guy they are gonna get a surprise, look on the bright side you can see your father again so it will be good and you can get revenge on your mother ,brothers ,pack , and Damien ."Jayson replied .I couldn't help but smile when he said that I guess he is right its been so long since I saw my dad I have been missing him like crazy I hate Damien though I can still feel him sleeping with Sophie.

That's when I spoke up "Hey Jayson im not mad but I do plan to get revenge and there is nothing you or the guys can do to stop me okay? oh and when we leaving?" I forced a smile on my face so he couldn't see how bad it is getting to me .

"We leave tomorrow so you better start packing oh and get revenge as much as you like I would expect nothing less of you now come here and give me a hug" Jayson said

I did as I was told and hugged him

"I better go pack tomorrow will be a long day" I replied

and with that I walked out the office and told the guys im okay and that I will see them tomorrow morning.

Damiens POV(hehehe)

Its been 3 years without my mate and im starting to lose hope her. her mother doesn't care and neither does martin im starting to think she's dead .The pack has had some problems with rouges recently so Alpha jerry (Lilly's dad) has asked the strongest pack around to help us .They have the worlds best fighter I cant wait to meet that guy. rumor has it that he is the life eternal wolf.

I don't know much about him but all I know is that he will help our pack out a lot. I still sleep with Sophie because she fills my needs while Lilly is gone .Her father still wont speak to no one not even Lilly's mother. All he does is speak to us if its important other than that all he does is sit in his office doing work .

Malisa(Lillys mom) POV heheheehehhehehe didnt expect that one did ya ?!?!?!?

Grrrr its been so long with out that bastard child lilly she isnt even my daughter ahahahah.

my husband still wont talk to me but that doesn't bother me all I care about is having Luna power. martin doesn't care much about Lilly either. Where as my husband just sits in his office. hell he never even comes in our room at night he just sleeps in one of the guest rooms or in Lilly's room.

We have another pack here tomorrow I wonder what the people will be like right now im plotting my new evil plot to kill Lilly's father so I will be able to rule this pack alone. That way I will have what I always wanted power.

Even though im not jerry's (Lilly's dad) real mate I don't care I killed my mate so i could get close to Jerry and his pack but that stupid idiot had Lilly so when we married I vowed to make her life hell like I did. Jerry asked me to bring lily up as my own which I did until my son came along I was so happy I finally had more people to help me with my plan on killing jerry. He just doesn't know he will be killing his father yet if he wont do it i will put him under a spell.

Lillys POV

It took me 2 hours to pack and by the time I was done I was exhausted but couldn't sleep, So I sat there just thinking about tomorrow .Will my dad like me with the pack hate me will Damien try to get me back. Will josh meet his mate .

While I was thinking all this I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Josh POV

Lilly took the news better than we thought she would im just dreading tomorrow. I don't want to meet my mate I want to be able to be with Lilly because I love her and I don't think she will be able to cope with much more heart break. I know that in time she will forgive Damien no matter how much she thinks she hates him its what the moon goddess wants. If she does I will let her go no matter how much it hurts.

If I meet my mate I would reject her but I know Lilly would kill me because of what she went through. I just hope my mate is not some cheap slut. I hope it isn't one of Lilly older pack members because no matter how strong she acts deep down she is still a broken girl that no one can fix accept her mate ,and below the bad ass attitude is still that lonely girl she was when she first came .

What do you think guys not good cause i wrote it at 3am





sorry for the slow upload just been busy it gets better over the next chapters what do you guys think feed back please xxx

*edited by bruhitsgrayson*

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