Part two - Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up the next morning in a very good mood. Now that Xander is awake I feel a lot more relaxed and less on edge.

I quickly get changed, today is different though. I'm going to put in some effort and actually look nice today. I mean I already know I'm going to get a lot of attention today due the the fact that many people know my brothers done that to Drew.

I put on a pair of black, ripped jeans, a white crop and my custom Air Force ones. I also put on some natural makeup just to finish the look.

Part of me also wants to dress up for Carlo. I may have only known him for a week but he seems like a really sweet boy. However I know full well my brothers won't have any of it especially after the max incident. I sigh, I guess I'll just die alone.

I walk downstairs with a smile on my face, a real smile, one that hasn't been there in a while.

"Somebodies happy today" Rocco says with a grin.

"Yes I am" I reply.

"And why is that?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't really know, I guess I just am" I reply.

He nods.

"Oh and Xavier is coming back in today. So if anything happens go straight to him, okay" he says Mx

"Okay" I reply.

I quickly grab a price of fruit and place my bag over my shoulders. I begin to nibble on my fruit as I wait for my brother to come downtown.

A few minutes later Xavier appears, dressed smart like always. He sends me a smile and grabs the car keys.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Sì" I answer.

He lets out a small chuckle before signalling me to follow him. He stops at my car and looks at me.

"You know how to drive?" He asks.

"Sort of, I know what to do" I shrug.

He throws me the keys with a smile. I tilt my head slightly confused

"Consider this your first lesson" he says.

"But I don't have a license" I reply.

He shrugs.

"If we get pulled over, I'll deal with it" he says with a smirk.

I let out a exited giggle and quickly get into my car. He gets in beside me and leans over.

He points at the key hole and tells me to place the key in there.

"So this is an automatic, so there's no need to press the clutch or anything" he explains "just make sure it is in park and hold the start button" he adds.

"Okay" I answer.

I do as I'm told and I successfully start up the car. Xavier smiles beside me and gives me a small clap.

"molto bene" he says.
(Well done)

He then goes on the explain how I pull off and then etc.

I build up the courage to finally drive out of the drive way. I turn to Xavier unsure.

"I don't think I should drive to the school Xav. It's a little risky" I say.

"abbi fiducia in te stesso" he says.
(Have confidence in yourself)

I stare across at him confused.

He lets out a chuckle and shakes his head.

"Have confidence in yourself" he repeats.

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