(1) Steven Universe (Ghost Whisperer AU)

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I cannot believe no one has ever thought of this idea.

Summary: "At a young age Steven Quartz Universe has not just the gem abilities from his mother, but the ability to see and communicate with ghosts. While Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are off on missions, Steven is on his own missions: to help spirits with their problems."

Reason for this idea: I was watching reruns of "Ghost Whisperer" on Hulu and I just thought: "What if Steven had the ability to see and communicate with ghosts?" I was looking on Google for a "Steven can see ghosts" fanfiction but there weren't any. How come no one ever thought of this idea before?

Things that would happen in the fanfic (you can change them if you want):

- Steven would be a little bit brave and serious (because of all the ghosts he helped he's not that scared).

- He will keep it a secret from the Crystal Gems and Connie until the time is right.

- Amethyst would find out Stevens secret first and beg him to let her join his ghost helping missions (she would call it "ghost hunting").

- Pearl and Garnet would learn of / find out Stevens secret later on (you probably know what Pearls reaction would be).

- The "ghost sight" would be from Greg's side of the family and Greg would already know that Steven inherited the "gift".

- How Steven met Connie would be different than in the show.

- The story would be rated T for "death, some language, scary scenes, and really emotional scenes" (you can change this if you want).

- Shattered gems would have souls and Steven would have to help them as well.

- Steven would keep a journal that he would write about his ghost helping adventures in.

- Steven would learn how to draw so he'll know what the ghost looks like so he'll look up who the spirit is.

- Other characters would slowly find out his secret.

Published On: July 26, 2020

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