Always Yours - The Beginning

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Somebody knock the door and seek permission from her.

She answered....


A girl entered on her mid 20's and greet her.

"Hello Mam, How are you ?"

"Alhamdulillah fine Sana, How are you ? "

"Fine too Mam..

Mam you know that admissions are open so will you please come and start the process and rest we'll be take care Insha Allah...."

Sana request her.

"Yeah, I'll come just give few minutes so that I'll finish the work which is much important right now.."

She said to her while shuffling the file pages.

"Ok Mam ...
We'll wait for you...."

With that Sana left her office.

She was busy on her routine work.

After few minutes she managed to finished her work and screen locked her stylish laptop.

She reached to meeting room which consist of kid a ball room and saw her staff gathered there and also parents and guardians with their toddlers.

On her way to the seat everybody greet her and she just nod and smile on them.

Everyone settled on their seat and waited for the meeting to start...

Sana and her other colleagues waited for their CEO to start the meeting expectantly...

She stand up and move to the podium and carry the mic...

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone, Welcome to Ilm Institutions - Ilm CBSE SCOOL And Babycare Centre.

She pause a moment and continue...

"As you all know about our Institution, we as an Institution not only provide world class CBSE syllabus but also a Babycare Centre for the convinience of the working class people but also single parent."

"So we're giving utmost important and attention to each and every kid of this Institution, so I congratulate each one of you for choosing Ilm Institution all over the country."

"I assure you that you'll never regret on your decision and lets prey to Allah that we all fallow the rightous path in every aspects of our lives... Aameen..."

Everyone said Aameen in the meeting room.

And one by one parents along with their kids waited for their time to get in the interview and have enroll their kids on Ilm.



Insha Allah

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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Always Yours (Republished) | Aain_Writes1Where stories live. Discover now