sick; ds

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you woke up and immediately noticed the slight ache in your head. the sun shown through the blinds as you rolled over to be greeted by a empty bed. you groaned and got up. black dots swarmed your vision as you became unsteady, swaying back and forth.

you put on sweatpants and a cami top, then walked downstairs. each step was painful. you felt the tickle in your throat. you could tell you were getting sick. your head was hurting more as tears welled up in your eyes from the pain.

you walked to the kitchen to be greeted by the boys, all except daniel. "hey y/n" jonah said. jonah was always like your older brother so he cared for you a lot. he came over to hug you and whispered in your ear, "whats wrong?" you didn't wanna talk so you pointed to your head and throat. he looked at you with a sad smile before hugging you again and explaining to the boys what was going on. he swayed you two back and forth trying to comfort you.

"daniel went to get some breakfast for everyone, so he should be home in a few minutes." zach explained. as if on cue, daniel walked through the door with 2 bags full of food. he smiled at you before noticing how miserable you looked. jonah pulled away from the hug and pushed daniel towards you.

"whats wrong, love?" you groaned, putting your head in his chest. he rubbed your back, wrapping an arm around your waist. jonah whispered something in his ear and he nodded. he picked you up and set you on the counter. he took his sweatshirt off and placed it on you making sure you were comfortable. daniel grabbed thermometer and put it in your ear. it beeped causing you to wince slightly.
it read. daniel sighed and grabbed some throat relief.

"baby lets go to sleep. you need it." he whispered. you nodded and let him carry you to his bed. daniel pulled the covers on you and kissed your forehead. "let me know if you need anything bub. i love you." he whispered. soon you were fast asleep, but that wouldn't last long.

2 hours later

you woke up feeling worse than before. your head felt like a brick was being thrown at it, your throat was on fire, and your stomach churned. you tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. your stomach did flips as you sat up. your mouth watered and you hand immediately went up to it. you ran to the bathroom with tears in your eyes as you let everything in your system out. you assumed daniel heard you because he came rushing to your side. he rubbed your back and whispered encouraging words in your ear.

your fever only went up. this scared daniel. in the two years of you being together, he had never seen you this sick. he rubbed your back as your headache took over. he cleaned your mouth and picked you up. your legs wrapped around his waist, arms wrapped around his head and your head on his shoulder. his arms were wrapped securely around your waist as you two made your way downstairs.

daniel decided it's best to keep you down on the couch. it made it easier to get snacks, medicine, and anything you needed. you were set on the couch and immediately fell asleep. daniel looked at you and noticed you weren't the same. your face was flushed red, your forehead was sweaty, but you were shivering. it didn't make sense. he decided if it got worse, he would take you to the hospital.

1 hour later

the boys all came downstairs and jonah went over to you. he noticed your cheeks were bright read. "uh daniel you might wanna look at this." he said nervously. daniel saw how bad it had gotten. he got the thermometer and checked your temperature. 104.7
"what the hell?" he muttered. jonah placed the back of his hand on your head and immediately retreated. you were on fire. daniel picked you up and jonah got everyone in the car. daniel held you in his lap trying to keep himself calm. your eyes fluttered open as the pain hit you like a bullet. "daniel? i dont feel good." you slurred. you cod barely make a sentence, but daniel understand what you were trying to say. "i know baby, i know. you'll feel better soon, i promise. you'll be okay." he said while caressing your cheek. you started slipping in and out of consciousness. this alarmed daniel. jonah sped to the hospital not caring about speed limits.

the car parked and daniel ran into the emergency room carrying you like a toddler. "help
me please. she has a very bad fever, we need help." he pleaded. a nurse came up to him as doctors took you out of daniels hands. thats what chaos erupted.
"flu like symptoms, rash on cheek. get her in a room immediately." the doctors rushed to help you, while daniel felt helpless..

4 hours later

the day had been long. the boys were in the waiting room. jonah calmed down daniel, corbyn was trying to comprehend what happened, jack was on his phone, and zach was passed out from crying. it was almost 5pm when the doctors found out what was wrong. you had the flu, which lead into pneumonia. "y/n y/l/n?" the boys heads shot up and jack woke zach up. "whats wrong with her? what happened?" daniel was frantically searching for answers about you.
"everything is fine with her. she came in with a 104.9 temperature. she had the flu, which quickly turned into pneumonia. you brought her just in time. she has a rash on her cheek, throat swelling which made it slightly difficult to breathe, a headache, and a stomach ache. she is stable and is allowed visitors. room 141." the doctor explained. daniel rushed past quickly thanking the doctor. 138, 139, 140, 141!
he knocked on the door and heard a small 'come in' from the other side.

daniel opened the door and his heart broke at the state you were in. you had so many machines hooked up to you and an oxygen mask on your face. he walked up to you and brushed the hair out of your face then kissed your head. he grabbed your hand and waited for the doctor to come back in.

all you wanted to do was go back home and be with daniel. he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb causing you to smile at him. the boys and you have been talking for almost an hour when the doctor came for one last test and to make sure you were okay to leave. you grabbed your things and left feeling much better than before.

when you got home, you practically hung onto daniel for dear life. he smiled at you. he loved when your were all cuddly and clingy like this. he picked you up and rubbed your back as he carried you two upstairs. he turned on a movie with some snacks and you two enjoyed each other's company before you became tired with your arms wrapped around daniel and you laying on top of him.

he noticed you kept trying to keep your eyes open. "baby you need to sleep, dont fight it. close your eyes love. i got you" he whispered. "i love you y/n" was the last thing you heard before
cuddling up to daniel and letting sleep take over you.

wowie this was my longest imagine yet (1272 words!)
this took so long so i hope you guys like this one.
soft daniel is the best daniel🥺☁️

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