depression; ja (tw)

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⚠︎︎trigger warning! please dont read if you are sensitive to the topics of self harm, depression, or suicidal thoughts/suicide!⚠︎︎

"thank you guys for coming out tonight!" jonah yelled out to the crowd. all the boys cheered into theirs mics with huge smiles on their faces. only one of them wasn't real. all the boys walked off stage sweaty and tired, somehow still cracking jokes and laughing. jack was walking slowly behind and sighed as he played with his rings on his fingers and slowly catching up to the rest.

"c'mon lets go out to eat" daniel suggested. all the boys agreed and turned to face jack waiting for an answer. he shrugged and plastered a smile on his face, a fake one. none of the boys could tell, which slightly broke jacks' heart.

jack was the 'edgy' one of the group. he liked, black, beanies, tattoos, and rings. he was the 'e-boy' of the group as some people liked to call him that. everyone expected him to act a little depressed, they just didn't know it was real.

as the boys all walked into the diner jack slumped in his seat wanting nothing more than to go home and sleep. 'aren't they tired?' he thought to himself. he was confused, they were almost done with tour but they all seemed to be very happy. jack didn't understand that. the boys ordered and started eating. once the boys were done, jacks plate was nearly full. he had only eating a few bites of his burger and a few fries before deciding he was "full" when in reality he didn't feel like doing anything.

when the boys got back on the bus jack went straight to the bathroom. the others went to the couch and played a movie and laughed together not noticing jacks disappearance.

jack wasn't doing good. his breathing picked up as tears rolled down his face. his eyes were bloodshot and his face was bright red. his hands were shaking rapidly as he tugged on his hair, his curls getting messy. he was tired. tired of singing, tired of faking, and tired of trying to please everyone. if someone had told him the aftertaste of being a popstar was this bad, he would've never been eager to take the bite.

he sat on the bathroom floor with muffled sobs escaping his lips. his hand covered his mouth not wanting to be too loud. he slowly removed his hand and reaches for the tiny peace pf metal that had quickly become his best friend over the past few months. he dragged it across his wrist, wincing at the at the feeling. he kept going until he heard the door knob start to jiggle. "jack, are you in there? i need to use the bathroom." he quickly recognized the voice as jonah. he quickly picked the blade up, and washed his arm wincing once more. he opened the door swiftly moving past jonah and into his bunk. a few minutes late jonah came over to jack tears filling up his eyes. "jack...please dont tell me its true. please dont tell me you're hurting yourself. i found blood in the bathroom sink and it wasn't old." jacks' heart started racing as jonah slowly pulled up jacks sleeves. jonah said nothing, but instead pulled jack into a hug as he sobbed into his shoulder. the older boy comforted to him as jack kept mumbling sorry over and over.
after a few days jack got the courage to tell the boys, he showed them and they helped. he was seeing a therapist and it had been weeks since he picked ip the blade. he was proud of himself.
he was healed.
if anyone is feeling like this please reach out! you are loved by many and you matter! my dm's are always open!❤️

𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now