your a tease !

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After the mall everyone went home

In the car

H- come on paige you drive like a old lady

P- shut up before floor it and make us crash

Amaya- no no please dont

2 minutes later

H- come on paige , the way your driving I dont even  need a seatbelt

P- if you say one more word I will park this car and choke you with this seatbelt 

H- I bet you wont

Paige parks the car in a parking lot near by and takes her seatbelt off . She turns around and grabs hayley's seatbelt and tries to choke her while amaya  is trying to stop them and haley is trying to fight back .


Jg- did they just pull into a parking lot

A- oh no 

M- follow them 

They pull up in the parking lot to see jay on the drivers side trying to pull paige out and the car rocking back and forth .  They all get out and run to help jay and see what is happening

Jay- aye yall help me amaya can't  get paige to let go and I can't get her out the car

Azzui  grabs jay and pulls him and that doesn't work so she goes in  the car and grabs paige's hand off of hayley and jay pulls her out while she is shouting at them to let her go

M- what happened

Amaya - tell you when we get home but right now I need you guy to take hayley  with yall to separate  them right now before the next time this happens paige doesnt stop the car

M- okay hayley let's go

H- why

M- ( gridded teeth ) let's go

H- fine

Everyone makes it home safely  and they put the stuff in the house and sat around in the livingroom  talking

P( sits in the couch )

Jay- ( sits next to her)  are you okay babe

P- yeah I'm fine , my hand hurts a lil though

Jay- it should you hit her pretty hard and almost choked her with the seatbelt  .

P- opps

Jay- yeah opps

P- ( goes to the kitchen )  hey amaya can you come help me with something

Amaya- are you gonna choke me too ?

P-  no but I have a prank idea

Amaya- I'm listening

P- ( tells her the prank)

A couple minutes after talking amaya and paige run upstairs and they go in their own rooms to. Change

Paige's outfit

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Paige's outfit

Paige's outfit

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Amayas outfit


Everyone is sitting around telling the story of how paige and haleys fight popped off

Amaya-( from upstairs ) mikey can you come here for a second

P- ( from upstairs ) jay can you come here for a second

Mikey and jay look at each other with a scared look on their faces and slowly goes upstairs to the rooms

This happens in both rooms

Amayas room

Amaya - hey baby I wanted your opinion  on this outfit 

M- its cute  , is that all ?

Amaya - nooo actually ( walks closer to mikey ) I just wanted to let you know I love you and appreciate you .

M- okay thanks I love you to

Amaya goes in between mikey's legs and kisses him . Their lips moved slowly and she bites his lip causing him to let out a groan . She pushes him down on the  bed and straddles his waist.  His hands go straight to her waist and ass massaging it as she kisses and bites his neck leaving big hickyes  . She pulls his shirt off and makes more hickeys along his chest down to his v line while he groans and grabs a chunk of her curly hair .   She reaches his pants and looks up at him with a smirk on her lips .

Amaya- but you know what I really love ?

M- ( breathing heavy ) what ?

In paige's room

P- hey babe i wanted to show you my outfit . What do you think ?

Jay- ( sits on the bed ) l like it

P- great now ( walks closer ) the real reason why I called you up here is because I wanted some alone time

Jay - ( voice crack)  like what kind of alone time ?

P- like this ( kisses him and pins him down in the bed )

Jay- ( grabs her thighs and ass and let's out a throaty groan )

Paige pulls on Jay's hair and pulls his shirt off and starts to leave hickeys from his neck to his v line . She moves slowly back up looking him in his eyes  and licking up from his chest to his neck leaving a wet trail .

Jay ( reaches for paige's  sweater to pull off )

P- ( stops him ) no I'm in charge

She pins his arms above his head and leaves more hickeys. 

P- you know what I love ?

Jay- what ?

Amaya , paige -  I just pranked you really good ( gets up and runs out the room downstairs laughing)

Mikey ,jay- hey ( runs after them

As paige and amaya run downstairs to the kitchen to "make dinner " , jay and mikey comes downstairs  without  shirts on and sits on  the couch grabbing a pillow and putting it on their laps

A- what happened  to you 2 ?

M- your friends who are in the kitchen " cooking " are ( says loud enough so they can hear ) teases

A- that's honestly the funniest thing I have ever seen

M- it's not gonna be funny later tonight

All -oooooooooo

A- you might wann hide or go to sleep early tonight.

P-  were not afraid trust me

Amaya - ( whispers ) were not?

P- ( whispers back ) hell yeah were scared  but we are not gonna  tell them

Later that night

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