Chapter 4 (THE PARTY)

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Mari POV

I decided to take a taxi to the smosh HQ , where the party is going to be, because I know I'm probably going to get very drunk. I'm a person of low patience so I decided to call that Stephano guy. I'm going to call a guy I met at a graveyard for a distractiion, life sounds weirder every day. I dial Stephano's numbers. An unusaul voice picked up the phone.

"Hi? Who is this?" A deep girl voice said

"It's Mari, I wanted to talk to a guy named Stephano." I said

It got all silet.

"I'm sorry is this the wrong num-" I said

"Stephano died 3 years ago." the girl with the deep voice interupted

I got all silet , I quickly hung up. It raised a suspiscon that maybe Stephano was a ghost trying to convince me to move on. That's creepy I tried to forget about it and think about all the fun I'm gonna have at the smosh party. I finnaly arrived at Smosh HQ I was ready to party, I think?

Sohinki POV

Lasercorn,Joven,and I decided we are gonna carpool together because we want to look awesome walking in there as group. As usaul we let Joven drive, even though he is almost like blind, but we are all to lazy to drive so pretty much , Laziness > are lives.

"I think somone is gonna get laid." Lasercorn said obviosally trying to imply me

"Aww is little Sohinki going to get laid." Joven said speaking like a parent talking to little kid

"Shut up!" I mumbled

I dispised being treated like a kid , but since I'm the youngest out of Joven and Lasercorn they have treat me like one.

"Oooo I think I know the unlucky women who is gonna get f*cked by Sohinki." Lasercorn said raising his eyebrow

"Mari??" Joven asked

"Yup." Lasercorn said

I like my friends alot, but they are really getting on my neveres.

"Can you guys shut the f*ck up !" I said with furry

They all suddenly became quiet. We finnaly arrived at the Smosh HQ we seemed to be early, it was only Joven, Lasercorn, and so much for good entrance. We just sat there and waited for everyone else to come Ian was the second to come , Lasercorn clinged on on to him, following Ian every where like a little slave or some type of butler or something. Lasercorn is unusual. Wes and flitz came then Anthony came all was left was Mari. Before I could even dial Mari's number to call where she was, she came through the door. All my insides curled up,she was just beautiful. Lasercorn passes me a red rose and pushes me toward Mari. I adjust my shirt and approach Mari.

"H-hey Mari, y-your looking absolutely beautiful." I stuttered

I take out the red Rose hand it to Mari.

"Aww thanks Sohin." Mari said

Mari took my hand, and dragged me to the dance floor. I see Flitz approaching the DJ, I was really hoping that he wasn't putting a romantic song. What I least excepted to happen he put Hip Hop music on. Mari,Flitz,and I ended up showing off are hip hop moves . It was fun I was actually having fun. I laugh as I see Lasercorn fast asleep on Ian who is also fast asleep. I quickly take out my phone and take like 30 pictures and send the pictures to Flitz who is incharge of Social Media in Smosh and post it to my instagram. Then a familiar scent came through my nose it wasn't pleasant like the smell of rotten grapes and a high school frat party , I turn around my heart is beating 200 mph and I see Anthony holding Wine and beer. I start to become dizzy I quickly run off and hide outside. I almost start crying , but I didn't I kinda just stopped myself.
Mari POV
"Where's Sohinki??" I ask Joven

"I don't know??" Joven responds

I approach Anthony who seems just a little drunk.

"Anthony,do you know where Sohinki is?" I asked Anthony

"Yeah outside." Anthony says

Anthony passes me a beer, I drank the bottle and put it down. Okay now to find Sohinki I thought to myself. I go outside , it was raining dog and cats! I see Sohinki in the rain all curled up.

"Matt are you okay?" I ask

He stays completely silent. I approached closer to him.

"Matt.." I said

"Shut up and go away." Sohinki interrupted
I stare at him with disbelief, I never seen him so angered at me.

"Matt what is wrong." I asked again

Matt backed away.

"Did you drink!?" Sohinki yelled at me

"Yeah, what's wrong with drinking." I yelled back frustrated

Sohinki stared at me with sadness and frustration and ran off to Jovens car which happened to be not locked. I chase after him, and enter the car with him.

"Sohin for God sakes tell me what's wrong!"

"Fine." Sohinki said with disappointment
Sorry about taking a long ass time to post this chapter :(
Qotd: Should more Iancorn be added?? XD
<3 I felt like I did bad in this chapter I hope I didn't *covers face with hands*

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